Our guild < From Nothing > is recruiting!
Faction: Horde
Server: Hyjal
Raid Information
Times: Tuesday & Friday - 6PM to 8PM PST (Server)
Current Progress: 10/10 N SoD, 3/10 H SoD
We continue to raid some normal as we also push our way into heroic.
Hey everyone! Our guild is < From Nothing > is currently recruiting. We are a life first guild, that likes to still make progress in a relaxed, low key, good attitude, fun environment! We started about a year and half ago as a re-roll guild from these very forums. We ended 10/10 N and 8/10 H in Castle Nathria along with 10/12 N (shortly after we started) in Ny’alotha.
We’re a low key, relaxed guild that truly enjoys raiding with each other. We’re all about having fun, keeping the raids inclusive, relaxed and enjoyable while making progress at the same time. Our group is mostly made up of adults with busy lives and we account for that in our life first mentality and understanding. We have a firm no jerks allowed policy that caters to our fun, relaxed environment.
For those who can and want to, we run M+ outside of raid nights as we are able. We have an active discord that people enjoy partaking in.
Who are we looking for?
Players who want to take part in our relaxed guild community. Patience, being friendly and bringing a good attitude to the guild and raid is a must. We’re clearly not the fastest, and not trying to be. We welcome everyone to our raids (with mininum ilvl requirements) to partake.
Someone willing to be consistent with our raid times and embrace the life first mentality. Things come up, life happens, we understand when you can’t make it, but also expect you to do what you can to maintain a consistent raid attendance out of respect of the whole group.
Those who are willing to show up to raid ready to go while doing what they can to improve and learn as we progress. Being willing to assist with specific mechanics when asked.
Recruiting - We recruit the person, not the class or spec.
DPS - Between 2 and 4 open DPS positions.
Healer - 1 Healer who is willing and able to be a DPS flex. Note: If we recruit the amount of folks we’re trying to, this will be mostly be a healer role but with our life first mentality our raid size can fluctuate so DPS will be asked of you whenever needed to accommodate that.
Are you interested?
If all this sounds like a group that you feel you would fit in with, awesome! We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to one of us leaders below! We would be happy to talk to you more about our guild, what we’re looking for and answer any questions you may have.
Lok’Tar Ogar! (*disclaimer: plenty of deaths and wipes do happen!)
GM: Mawi - discord: mogs#7397
Assistant GM: Whiskeymoos
Leaders: Mooidmama - discord: Mooid#7421, Sphalerite - discord: Malachite#9142