Hi All,
HSP is recruiting for its core raid Wednesday night BWL clears.
We are a full clear guild, and have BWL / MC / Ony Cleared.
We are looking for experienced raiders that want to join a fair, social and Horde (AEST) guild for good bants and good loot. We use DKP System and no loot council.
We will consider all excellent applications. We have priority spots for priests, and resto shamans, in addition we will need warlocks and mages.
If you love a good HSP and are keen to clear current and previous phase content we are the guild for you, we do clears of MC and Ony from Wed/Thur/Sunday, so if you aren’t BWL attuned or geared and would like to join for those raids. Hit us up.
Loads of friendly and helpful guildies,
Social members welcome.
Oogydoogy / Gotmilk
in game for an invite