[h]<GRIT>Semi-hardcore Tues/Weds Guild Recruiting Last Few Slots


We are a group of raiders tackling the adventures presented in The Burning Crusade. We have a strong core community and are looking to add to our ranks as we move forward through this expansion. We have P1 content on farm and need a few more people to help smooth prog through P2.

Raid Times: 7:00 PM-10:00 PM EST Tues/Wed

Loot System: Soft Reserve with a Prio list for key items(DST for example)

Currently Seeking: 2-3 DPS and 1-2 Healer to round out our roster. Currently full on Tanks

RDPS: All classes are encouraged to apply

MDPS: Warrior(arms/fury) Shaman(enhancement) druid(feral)

Healer: Paladin(holy) Shaman(restoration)


  • Attunement to SSC/TK

  • P2 Prebis/P1 Bis

Our expectations of you

  • Consistent attendance eg: 90% Attendance and notice prior to absences occurring.

  • A players ability to play their class, learn from mistakes, and improve.

  • Dedication to gear and prepare for raid outside of raid times. We raid 6 hours a week and want those hours to be as productive as possible.

What we offer you…

  • A friendly, competent, and tight nit raid core.

  • Dedicated leadership with experience in classic and retail mythic raid leading.

  • An understanding that our members can’t play 24/7 each week and wish to make their game time productive and positive.

Please contact our recruitment officers on Discord or Bnet if you’re interested in applying or have any questions

Discord: Chrishansën (Redneckhippie#5922), Ocha (Leogo#3453)

Bnet: Chrishansën (redneckhippy#1438), Ocha (Leogo#1507)