Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

What about the folks who run around naked to protest the objectification of women? I don’t understand the point of this topic. Should there be more clothes or less clothes? Who’s side are you on OP?

Slender with tone is attractive to most people. And I’m pretty sure all body types are represented in game, not just by players but by enemies and npcs as well. Check out the imp mothers and gorefiend extra large folks and skinny kul titans for super thin folks.

yah look at every single human male player, orc etc. They are always cut and built and have huge muscles. Men are oversexualized too. And we also want male characters with realistic bodies that do not seem like they were made with the purpose of making women aroused, as that only furthers the objectification and toxicity that males ALSO experience in real life and in game.

The fact of the matter is that video games, movies, and music videos whose lead characters are ugly and fat don’t sell well. And that might sound harsh but it’s 100% the truth.

Imagine if avatars looked like some of the streamers who played them! My god no one would pickup the unit!

Would you prefer that she was a green corpse with ooze and maggots falling off of her?

You got some inner issues that you need to work on. Lol

In regards to op Its not just the female characters. The male characters are all super ripped and buff too for the most part. At the end of the day sex sells. Tacky marketing angle in current standards but it works and it will continue to for a long time to come. Though when talking about realistic bodies it would be a very cool feature if they added the option to adjust our toons physique to make them slight and frail or more curvy and plus size. I think it would really breathe personality into our characters.

If you have a problem with how the game portrays anyone, make your own game with whatever body types you want, and see how it does.

Good luck with that.

Remember blizzard is in this to make money, and sexuality sells, whether you want it to or not.

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Well, look who was right after all… I am looking over some of these replies and laughing so hard at their denials in light of this lawsuit.

Sylvanas isint even over sexualized

they even changed her outfit to make her seem less so

not sure wtf your on about

Well…. Turns out a bunch of drunken frat boys ruined the company and game.

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There is still oversexualization, maybe due to the toxic environment at blizzard. I just feel so vindicated about this post in light of the news.

Kinda like money or in the case everyone here is talking about, power.

They flaunted it, now everyone who has none is upset :smiley: