[H][Garona] Amok a new casual raiding guild LF more!

Amok is a new guild created by two long time Garona players who have come back to the server they have always considered home. Our goal is to not only build a guild but a community of like minded individuals who are looking to have fun playing the game while also downing content. We don’t want to be some mass invite guild inviting everyone, we want to stay on the smaller side to really build that old time guild feeling most of us miss and loved.

Requirements: Mature personality and the willingness to learn and help others!

NOTE: If you bring drama or any form of toxicity you will be kicked, no warning and no discussion. No one has the time or energy to deal with it. We are not PC and not “family friendly”/PG-13, but we expect grown adults to know where the line is. In Amok we value good people that want to work together and have a good time in the game.

Raid Times/Expectations: Times will be Wednesday and Thursday 8 to 10p CST. Expectations are basically the standard stuff. Be sure to show with proper food, flask, pots, enchants, etc. We do not have a set attendance requirement but do expect you make the effort to be present the majority of raid times. We absolutely understand if work or life gets in the way time to time, no big deal. All we ask is you post in the appropriate Discord channel of your absence so we are not waiting on you at raid time. We are willing to help gear if needed. If you have experience, fantastic! If you have raided at a mythic level and are over the long hours and looking to relax and enjoy a little more of the game, Amok is a great place for that. We do like to joke around and talk between pulls but when we pull we expect everyone to focus up and perform their best. Most of us are balancing life responsibilities so we like to make the most of the time we have. That being said, we are only going to be pushing for AotC each tier. As we are building from the ground up, we may not be raiding right away but as soon as we have the numbers to support it we will jump right in!

Mythic + Activity: We will also be looking to run keys most nights to get people involved, geared, and to have a good time. It doesn’t matter if you have never ran a key or have multiple KSMs, we want to help! There might be some more events and activities down the line as well once we get the numbers!

Being a new guild looking to be a little bit smaller definitely has its advantages, but it does present some unique challenges that require patience and outside-the-box ideas; But overall the rewards are greater than with large guilds. Amok strives to be close group of players who love playing together. It is a plus if you do not mind speaking in discord and getting involved. If you feel you might be a fit, I look forward to speaking to you further. I can be reached here or on Discord at OnFleek#1201.