Hey...uhhh, blizzard, you there?!

Not me I will be playing Cyberpunk :sunglasses:

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I don’t understand what you are trying to say, i’m not a native English speaker

The thing is, it was probably never going to be ready on October 27th. What that did do is pull a massive amount of money in from pre orders and subscriptions. Blizzard now has lots of the players money and players have…welll…not much.


Blizzard always does that.
Btw Dave Kosak left blizz

It was an ambitious project, between the level squish that has affected the entire game, systems on systems that need to be implemented and balanced, and the random changes they keep making instead of fixing things they were told were broken in the alpha.

The planners, ie Ion, didn’t include anyone who could come up with a good estimate of how much work it would take and how much manpower they needed to complete it. So when the bosses said, “Move it up”, as always Ion said “sure”. This time it didn’t work. The game is nowhere ready to release.


Yeah, i agree. They added too much stuff, i’d love a simpler expansion in the future!
Also thank you for explaining

They have a hard date that they are semi-committed to of december 31st 2020 11:59 PM PST

After that date they may have some problems with investors… but in the meantime they are probably gun-shy to announce another soft date since when you don’t meet expectations people get mad

After the millions of threads going “I TOOK MY 1 VACATION DAY OFF I GET EVERY 30 YEARS AGRABRGRFRGREEEEEEEEEEEE!” You won’t hear about a release date till they know for sure they can meet it.

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Please re-read the forums after the announcement where many posting to the forum wrote that the level squish was a simple thing to do.

Those on the other side said it was a make-work project that would open up many cans of worms.

So far, I’m thinking the ones in the latter group are looking more right about the situation than the sycophants.

im sure its already been said but just incase. unless you’ve paid absolutely not atention whatsoever, you’d know that everythings been pushed back indefinately until further notice, there is no release date for the expac or the prepatch event anymore.
more than likely we are looking at a mid-late november release or at worst a january of next year release

No we aren’t. We haven’t been for a couple weeks.

bahahah nailed him

My bf is in the beta and it looks pretty done tbh. There are some cutscene things that have a big work in progress thing attached to them and some iffy textures but like with a bit of polish it looks like it should theoretically be soonish.

Didn’t they just say it was coming later this year?

Pandemic, fires… little hiccups, that’s all! :seedling:

go level alts or something… in any case, shadowlands its still not near ready to be launched, and the zombie event was ruined by crybabies, so the only thing you will do with the pre patch event its gearing low ilv alts, 15 minutes short story, boring weakling zombies tied to warmode on, a good slot bag and a remake toy from wrath pre patch.

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You can get the same catch up gear doing World quests that take seconds to do.

Im guessing they want to limit the impact all those ilevel 100 gears will be. Whats the avg starting ilevel for shadowlands greens, 80?

Personally i want to camp the 34 slot bag, thats my priority since ilevel 100 gear will eventually be replace, but a 34 slot bag is forever (or at least 2 expansions later >.<).

So then say that if its true

Nope nice try


We have more words on the forum than War and Peace all compiled about how bad BFA was, and while a lot of that was bad design and direction from the get go, it could have been maybe possibly slightly more tolerable in the first half if it were more polished. Let SL be polished. Let them unbreakify it. Let them fix the overtuned dungeons and old world content. Let them fix their awful, convoluted systems if they’re so dang married to them.

Let us play a finished game and not pay full price for a beta for the first time since MoP.

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Anyone feel like the WoW dev team should be forced to listen to Illidan saying “You were not prepared!” every hour on the hour for the entirety of the Shadowlands expansion for this mess. :rofl: