You had one job, and you BLEW IT!
You had one job, and you BLEW IT!
I’ve been bamboozled! Hoodwinked! Doggone hornswoggled flimflammed!
Sometimes the punk in me drives me to act out. Like that time I used a public restroom and didn’t wash my hands before leaving.
You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my real dad!
Keep it up and I will cut the tag off my mattress.
I’m telling.
Isn’t this the Streisand Effect?
It could be the Butterfly Effect.
The fact you can do this after the nightmare that is Covid speaks of your courage, or your lack of survival instincts.
Fun fact, if you wish to retain your will to live, never take a blacklight into a public restroom.
The things you will see …
this sign can’t stop me because i can’t read