Hey tanks, can I say something please?

Now don’t get me wrong, I love you tanks, I’m starting to get into tanking myself on an Prot Paladin so I can properly practice tanking for a class I wanna tank with (BM Monk)

But I’ve gotta say something. We melee DPS don’t appreciate it when you randomly choose to move the mob.

Now with saying that, pay attention to the words. I’m not saying don’t follow mechanics, if the mechanics calls for moving the mob or turning them, then we DPS have read these mechanics and know when to follow suit; that is not what I’m talking about here

What I AM talking about are the tanks who decide that they’re bored and start to randomly move and kite the mob because they decided they’re just wanting to ‘spice it up’ I guess, then have the audacity to complain that we melee DPS didn’t pull numbers because of their random act of moving.

No, not saying to NOT follow mechanics, if the Mythic+ or the boss mechanics require kiting or turning, then that is fine because we DPS are prepared for it.

What the issue is, is the RANDOM (repeat) R A N D O M movement and making us try to catch up with the tank because they are angry they ran out of mountain dew or something.

Yes I repeated it because people seem to not read things fully, highly doubt you have read this far so I’m going to say banana banana monkey monkey gorilla eat a mango.


I love mango


A lot of tanks also aren’t particularly cognizant of where melee can actually stand. So many will just move the boss a bit and think “Well, I’m not standing in bad, so we’re good”, when the boss has a giant zone of bad behind it, leaving rogues to just drop their daggers and say screw this, I’m just gonna sit here.


I was playing my rogue and got on a team with a tank that spun the mob around in circles constantly, for no reason.
I just left.


Tanks: Pull
Me: waits few seconds for aggro to be secured and drops deaths due/dnd for those who picked the wrong covenant.
Tanks:I’m going to move all the mobs out of deaths due/dnd
Me: welp there goes my aoe and buffs thanks dude.

At least deathknights and pallies tend to keep em in one spot because they actually need to be in consecrate or dnd/dd to tank properly. But I have felt the ops pain.

Note: this doesn’t happen all the time, it’s just frustrating when it does. It doesn’t help that dnd/dd are colored like enemy skills so I always assume they thing its bad blue sparkle dust.


As someone that tanks and DPSes I’m extremely aware of this, on one hand I can’t always see some effects (wild spirits doesn’t even show a big blue outer ring in dungeons). But I do try to drag things into or around ranged AOE. I also try to make sure melee doesn’t get crowded out by crap. At the same time… sometimes their are tank mechanics (necrotic) that take priority.


That’s the sign of a bad tank, one that is unaware of their companions trying to do the mechanics, I know the feels all too well.

I have seen that so many times I cringe for them, it’s getting worse when they get out of Windfury Totem range.

Didn’t I just say that if the mechanics require you to move, that’s not the issue?

Really any melee. I had one the other day, first boss of halls of atonement. The tank just moved an inch out if the floor aoe leaving a tiny sliver for melee to stand in. It did the 4 lazerbeams and my choices were: die to the lazer or die to the floor aoe.

Then they had the nerve to call me on it. Like bruh it was your fault.


Who doesn’t get angry when this happens?


The hunter and rogue don’t care :wink: they are just annoyed you pulled an add out of their abilities.

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You ever eat it with a little salt and pepper? It’s much yummier than it sounds!

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I don’t move mobs because I want to make ur life harder, I move mobs because I don’t want to drop and wipe the group.

Adopt and overcome, else roll the tank and taste it ur self.



If you’re RANDOMLY DOING IT FOR THE LULZ then THAT is the issue.

Guess people don’t like mango after all.


Moving mobs any more than needed, or not moving them WHEN needed, is the sign of a bad tank.

Any tank who’s played DPS at all should be able to appreciate this.


Demon hunter*

And in my case im not talking about mythic plus, I rarely if ever step in those. I didn’t clarify that but in a normal or heroic there is no reason to kite like a mad man or spin bosses.

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Once upon a time, being parried by a boss gave the boss a melee haste buff, leading to tanks taking spiky damage. I don’t know if this is still the case in this game. This feature, plus 180 cleaves, was the origin of all melee standing in the arc behind the boss.

When tanks refuse to pay attention to whether the melee have a safe place to stand, I just stand on the tank. His problem.


What r u getting out this thread? Do u think anyone gonna learn anything from u venting about ur bad experience? Go get some air.

??? Just play the Brewmaster then bro, its about the same APM. Use weakaura’s to track and manage your stagger and brews.

As a tank, you wont find me disagreeing with you. It annoys me when im pug raiding and I see the other tank constantly moving and repositioning the boss/mobs for no reason whatsoever.

Latency results in missed autos for melee, good tanks should aim to keep the position of bosses/mobs as static as possible.


My tank/DPS for for this patch is DH, I’m very very well aware as a Kyrian DH.