Hey night elves, I've got a deal for you

Of course the drunk ones would bring the topic of barrels. Feeling a bit thirsty eh?

It’s nothing but a small fact to throw around.

It is pretty cool that Druid feral form becomes a manasabre in Suramar. I don’t think you folks would go down the path of druidism though.

Maybe an idea though for a future expansion- void vs light. Void elves and Nightborne embrace druidism to fight against (evil?) light forces.

The jello pool seems like the only logical way, and since you’re both respectable ladies I’m sure you wouldn’t want to soil those clothes. Feel free to get into bikinis that are of course provided free of charge.

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The way of druidism is open to all who respect nature and natural order of things. One must honor the ancient paths of nature’s ways.

They aren’t junkies anymore.

But still… no. lol

Why is there jello in my thread now?

Ye yeah, there’s no one that respects nature and all that stuff than a nightborne for sure.

Why not? there’s not a single reason why we couldn’t be archdruids and all that.

If that were true, the nightborne would have never become addicted to mana, killing creatures to feed their addictions.

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Sure is. Y’all don’t give two poops about anything except gaining more power. Y’all twisted Nature and Arcane into abominations just to test it and become more powerful. Y’all don’t care about communing with the Dream or the Wild Gods. You never did. You even scoffed at Nature helping cure your addiction. Nature magic is beneath you. It’s a lesser form of magic in your eyes and not worth the effort unless it can be combined with something else to make it more powerful.

Ok, technically the Nightborne are no longer junkies. But those Blood Elves still rely on the Sunwell.

Here’s a mana crystal, now go away

We didn’t kill any creature for our addiction! we just ate mana.

I mean, don’t you want powerful druids though?

The highborne of the night elves were the ones that rejected nature’s ways, trying to bend it to their will and when that failed, they destroyed what they couldn’t control.

Hard pass…

why stop there,make everyone hostile to each other, anyone can use any abilites and make the world a free for all death match,heck make it battle royale too?
oh why dont we just delete wow and play fortnite?

I’m playing overwatch.

I love how Night Elves don’t think they are junkies too. If all those moonwells of yours went poof you would be getting the shakes and hitting the Night Borne up for their Achwine recipe…

All they would have to do is go on their “Magic Addiction” as blizzard calls it, and they would easily see themselves as dinosaurs. They don’t need Zandalari Trolls for that.

Implying a proud race blessed by magic would stoop to such primitive levels is preposterous.

Night elves are tree hugging lowborns. Arcane is true power. Back in Azshara days they weren’t even allowed into the city


Why should druids accept literal people that were so desperate for a drop of mana that you sell your selves to the legion?

And keept hidding on your bubble stuff for that long wothout helping you otjer moon brothers and sisters.

While at that why you didnt help your exile high borne elves cousins that where exile to easter kigdom and then became sin’dorei ?