Hey, new spriest. looking for assistance

Is wowhead reliable? im seeing allot of builds out there when im snooping on priests with big ilvl. wowhead is also saying versatility phial…
second main concern, should i use dark star or halo? when should i swap one for he other if even applicable?
lastly, i need a battle pet for all my characters. whats the best paired with shadowy fiends?

this is the shadowpriest in question.

I have Vers phial recommended because most pugs will get more value out of the survivability / be taking too much incoming damage to get good value from crit. Crit phial is recommended for raids and in keys you can run it too if you’re confident.

Talent build wise for mythic+ shadow spec tree has a tonne of options as long as the basic on use spells and idols are covered. As long as you have bender, crash, cthun, torrent, deathspeaker, and da / voidform the rest of the points are very flexible.

The class tree is equally flexible with a few important things and the rest being small defensive or utility points.

Neither is specifically a DPS increase to use. People like star more for generating insanity out of combat now but the choice is mostly preference / which one will do the most healing or be the most useful. You don’t press them on cd for damage.

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This is quite false actually. Pretty much dropping any point in the basic talent build is a dps loss in some way shape or form.

most run star just bc of the shorter cd, but I prefer halo just bc it feels better to use. and yes, you can run vers phial OR corrupting rage depending on your wallet size.
Talent wise on the shadow tree you’re pretty much locked to talents unless you want to use like Mental Fort for more survivability or a stun for cc if you’re lacking that for some reason.
Priest tree is highly flexible though.

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I think you are misunderstanding them. Certain talents will always be taken for e.g. m+, but quite a few of them can be flexed depending on your needs; e.g. mastermind vs screams of the void on tyrannical vs fortified weeks. The icy veins m+ build page has a good discussion of some of the flex point options and when you’d swap around them as well as approximate single target loss for a more aoe heavy build.

As I said dropping any point in the tree is a dps loss on either ST or AoE. Just depends on which one you need more.
Shadow in PvE this season is also just very abysmal hence why this toon is only 2300 as I’ve been doing PvP with it instead. The Mindbender build needs absolutely nuked

Turn back now while you still haven’t invested too much time yet lol.

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i cant turn back the spooky has my soul.

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You’re misunderstanding what flexible means in this context. How you want to allocate your 7th row points is entirely dependent on what content you’re running, like Fortified vs Tyrannical keys. It’s even depending on what your group comp is and what instance you’re running. Shifting a point from a throughput talent to a utility talent like Psychic Horror can absolutely be a DPS increase if it’s an instance where you need a stun to prevent something that’s going to kill you because dead equals no dps.

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LOL I love it hahaha. Once you’re in, you’re in for good.


Very important thing i didn’t realize till I got into the priest discord, and it affected my damage a lot…

Cap at 19-20% mast and 30% haste. pump the rest into vers and crit (I think more leaning into crit since our crit damage for most spells is amped higher than the standard 2x)

After rejigging my stats my sim went from about 195k to 228k.

It’s a horrendous spec because every time you get a higher ilvl piece of gear, you have to rejig other pieces of gear to accommodate the stat changes. but it is good!


While this is generally how things go, it’s worth noting a lot of the reason for this is the sheer size of the secondary budget in 485~ ilvl gear. If you have significantly less ilvl than that you’ll always end up wanting some amount of crit and vers even before hitting either of those values.

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