"Hey kid, do ya wanna buy a boost?" (Please ban GDKPS, boosting, and rm trading)

I was on my level 46 paladin mining for my alts. I had hearthed back to Stormwind to offload the stones and smelt the ore when I was approached by a shadowy figure. “Hey kid, do ya wanna buy a Strat boost?” I replied, “No, I’m broke.”
“It’s cool. What’s your discord?” the shadowy man asked.
Like a kid at Christmas I thought the nice man was going to run me thru for free!
So I gave him my discord. I got bombarded with images in my discord dm of what looked to money transfers totaling in thousands of dollars from different people. “I’m 100% legit.”
"So, basically… I said, “you are boosting for real money?”
“Not just boosts my friend, any raids you wanna do, we got you covered no gold is traded, so Blizzard can’t track it. Loots go directly to you. We have packages between $100 all the way to $1500.” So I blocked the evil doer.

Here is the problem, people are buying gold for real money. Blizzard uses AI and human detection to flag remove these players and their gold. So because gold buying is now much more risky thanks to AI detection software, people are now buying runs with real money.

I did some research and looked online. There are ton of websites offering WoW runs for cash. Mostly the most current game versions SoD, DF etc. I don’t really know if there is a solution to the problem. I was going to open a ticket about this guy, but since it all happened in discord, what is Blizzard going to do? All I can is right click, report player. I’m so frustrated that this is the experience on large realms. It’s all money trades, GDKPS, and boosting.

I think Blizzard should A, stop boosting by removing level gains when a high level player is in the group and B, Ban GDKPS. Then you just have to worry about the real money trade, but this could be a start for cleaning up classic.

“If you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to play WoW that way.” No one is forcing these people to play classic either. If they don’t like the slow leveling pace or the fact that they have to work together with other people for gear (join guilds/make friends) then there are plenty of other games that are better suited for these players. Plenty of mobile games now that have an instant win button per credit card swipe. WoW Era is not a cheap insta win mobile game, nor should it be. The bigger issue that all these behaviors are ruining the game for everyone else, as it dilutes the pool of people who actually want to do SR content. 99% of LFG on the whitemane cluster is GDKPs.


It’s almost like the GDKP ban in SoD is a good thing


You wouldn’t steal a car right?

So what’s the worry?

Don’t buy / sell gold, boosts, etc. with currencies that are not in-game-gold and report those who do :slight_smile:


What does buying runs with real money have to do with GDKPS?

If you buy loot/runs with real money from the shadowy figure, there is no need for gdkp, you just get the loot handed to you.

It is a totally different system of paying for gold with real money.

If people buy gold in game, they are going to get heat from the AI you speak of.

Most GDKPs i have played on whitemane lately, things are pretty cheap(relative to a year ago) and there isn’t many whales going around with purchased gold to buy 1milly thc’s


Did opie think he was submitting an outline for the next Warcraft movie here?
Needs a rewrite.


Gnome wants to be most powerful warlock but too lazy to work hard.

Meets shadowy figure that offers max level, good gear, in exchange for their soul.

Gnome becomes powerful but their power means nothing due to consequences.

Lesson = Don’t buy gold


I think you copied off Wilfred Fizzlebang’s paper!

edited cuz I had the wrong gnome

I know who was doing this to you. He was on mankrik cluster a while back like 8 months ago and he’d constantly create/multibox lvl toons advertising naxx gear funnels for “gold” or other means of pay, even doordash cards.

He’d invite you to a discord and “try” to get you to buy and even get you to click some bait links or gifs to download any passwords you got. Was in voice with him once, he was some fat sounding piece of trash from the mid west and I could hear his girl in the background talking etc lol.

Glad to see this piece of garbage is still trying to get people to buy him doordash and pay his rent before his girl kicks him out lol

Honestly, it is one thing if people are spending thousands of USD on gold.

Personally, I’m not gonna freakout if someone gives homie a meal for a few boosts xD

It is def immersion breaking and liable for ban, but so small that I would probably say blizzard could wisely ignore that kind of stuff and focus on the big fish that actually allow people to easily purchase gold at scale.