Hey it's monday

I had a bad run in with socks + flip flops. Apparently if your sock has a hole in it and you step near a yellow jacket just right… it equals a very stung foot.

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funny how almost everything you said is the opposite for me or just wrong

  • its Tuesday for me (im from the future!!)
  • its winter, so its cold . im ganna eat warmer food caz cold food would just kill me in this weather.
  • i walk my dog every day, so lots of grass touched
  • i hate chili
  • the forum isnt angry “at times” its always angry/trolly. been like it for years, lol
  • my days been ok. a kickstarted i backed a year or so ago finally got to the pledge manager stage and the games coming out in the end of the year, so that should be good
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Why do you hate monday’s garfield?! You don’t even have a job
You pasta eating son of a mooch

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I spent most of the day (14 hours) asleep.

I needed it.

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did i win the lottery?



sorry we can’t be friends now.

When my kid was born, I (the mother here) was awake the whole time. Only 1 baby was born. Only 1 baby was ever inside me. I put my kid as a single birth on the birth certificate.

Fast forward a year and the state is trying to claim I had twins. I even took my child with me to the clerk’s office. They showed me their printout showing:

Kid 1 - Full first, Middle, Last name - birthdate - SSN
Kid 2 - CommonNicknameForFirstName, Middle Initial that is the first initial of their middle name, Same Last name - Same birthdate - Same SSN

I pointed out all this out to the clerk, then pointed at my child and said, “There is only one of them.” Clerk had the gall to say, “Are you sure?”



sadly no

yes. cold. was -1c last night (30f for you fahrenheit users)

dog needs walks, no matter if its ice cold or boiling hot. such is life as a dog owner

wouldnt it be better to be friends with me, you get yo eat all my chili, lol

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

fair point.
you are now updated too potential fren.

btw, do you have a discord fuzzbutt?


yea it’s pretty dumb tbh. i have a common first name and last name. my guess is they are gonna ask us for her name, ssn, and all that and then tell us oh we have to go in person and file paper work when we did it manually online.

my daughter has a VERY uncommon middle name and it’s hyphinated as well but i guess they only take the first letter of the first part of her middle name and run it. don’t like dealing with them in person or on the phone the workers usually have an attitude like bruh why you got an attitude? if it’s anyone it should be me since your wasting my time


Does icecream count ?

Actually I mowed the grass.

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I touched grass and smoked grass Monday now it’s the terrible Tuesdays. Not really though I don’t work on Tuesday.

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And get eaten alive by ticks? No thank you very much!

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Every day is Monday in my job. And often the worst day of everyone’s life when we respond. And actually…since none of us sleep or sleep well, it’s actually last Thursday

/signed EMS/fire

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Oh I just saw that sorry I was asleep.

I have discord. I had to change it recently cause it kept throwing error messages at me but it’s Dragula#0648.

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Do you dig in the ditches, burn through the witches and slam in the back of your



It is now Tuesday.

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haha indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya I was redoing my profile the other day and it kept throwing an error message out but when I changed the number it was fine. /shrug

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giant tick pet when?

wish it was friday already now.

I made a music video for Rainbow Six years ago and the ending had that song in it. Funny enough hardly anyone knew it until they watched the video and then like the band.

Of course YouTube claimed intellectual property, so I had to change it to free music.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Woke up at 3am. Played a matching game on my phone. Chatted a bit. Read some stuff. Probably going back to sleep before I work on a take-home exam so I can talk to the professor during office hours.

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