Come on Miko. Dwarf stuff is for next expansion! Sheesh!
It’s going pretty good. Got the trading post meta achievement today so now I get to park Thokk in full warden gear. It’s very shiny.
Other than that, been looking for a new job, but finding something in Q4 was rough. I’m optimistic with the start of the quarter, though.
You’re never online when I’m on my Horde! I believe you’re doing this deliberately as a plot against me.
Tell you what, tell me when you’re next on your Horde character.
Just got back. Interesting to read opinions of Dragonflight that aren’t glowing endorsements. If the story’s toned down, there’s a reason for it. They want people to come back.
Maybe just not night elf players. Hi, Enekie.
Here’s something I want to say.
I have great respect for the people who come here because they thought it was General Discussion and who, upon learning their mistake, stay and talk with us.
I think the cowards who lock their threads and run away should face justice.
Call yourself the forum bounty hunter. Find these people in other threads and bring them back here to face the wrath of the tribunal (me for the horde, Thokk for the night elves, and the third will rotate but will start with Norman.)
This is acceptable.
-Thokk Sharpfang
Leader of the Stormwind Guard
Warden of the Kaldorei
Member of the RP Council (which doesn’t exist).
Forum Cabal Representative
You’re probably not wondering about this, but I wanted to let you know that a thresher is someone who beats the living daylights out of grain to make the grain parts fall off of the stalks.
Edit: A thresher is apparently also a type of shark. So maybe what he was trying to tell you was that he was actually a shark and enjoyed eating other, bigger sharks, perhaps as a mark of prowess. Or it could be the grain thing. I don’t know enough about this game to hazard a guess.
I remain extremely luke warm on the reclaiming of Gilneas.
It is literally just more human content in a faction that is already too human heavy. We get like, 5 human kingdoms forced on everyone while Night Elves only just get something back after Teldrassil, the Draenei are still locked in their basement and the gnomes have been locked out of their own house so long they had to go live with their weird cousin who is obsessed with automation.
Like, it’s genuinely disappointing when they just shovel all the resources onto yet another human group and refuse to give anything to any other group. It’s literally the Horde with how it was with Orcs and Forsaken the past 6 years.
At the current rate, I am fully expecting the dwarf aspect of War Within to be taken away from to give time for the garbage return of the Kingdom of Alterac.
Also, before someone inevitable runs in screamin’ “But people only love humans and they -need- to be the main characters!” as to why Alliance has to be so human heavy, I will point to two movies that are both multi-billion dollar successes with humans as the primary villains.
You know at first I started to look at Dragonflight with that sense of low-stakes, season of wonder that Vanilla WoW was. We had another major timeskip after a major war(Third War/Fourth), Horde and Alliance weren’t at war and a armistice. It was a time to venture into new lands or find conclusion to old conflicts that didn’t get resolved prior.
And while Dragonflight had the “discovery” and adventure part it was so forcefully told to me that I just didn’t buy into it. “Hey! You’re not going to the Isles to fight but to solve MYSTERIES AND WONDER” was echoed by the NPCS over and over telling me that having any recollection of past events of the game was taboo and he’s the new jump point.
And it didn’t help that after every mild conflict(because the stake were pretty mild to be real) we had to endure therapy intermissions to repeatedly take me out of the loop of fighting Primalists and collecting their loot.
Narratively Dragonflight was forgetabble except at it’s conclusion where the Horde, 6+ years later, succeeded in their objective in pushing the NElves off Kalimdor. So I’ll juggle fire festival torches in the new zone as a reminder.
Gameplay though? DF was the reset that the game needed. Talents are fine. PvP, unless you are a healer, is more accessible to gear up and play than ever. Leveling alts is a breeze. Content comes out regularly, like there’s not much to dislike if that’s what you pay attention to.
The game does have the option to create a wheat/flour industry of some kind (I have never really figured it out because my dwarves traditionally eat mostly mushrooms and meat from horrific underground creatures instead), but it is entirely possible that Juspion was a crafty shark wearing a false beard all along. Since his body was never found, he may have taken his secret to his grave.
I think T&E summarized why I haven’t been able to connect to this expansions story perfectly in one of their recent videos. They talked about how as a returning WoW player if you came back mid or late expansion like me…you have no idea where the story really goes or what to do as every patches “MSQ” breadcrumb quest are all next to each other all at max. They should have had me pick those up in sequential order to the way the story works cause I honestly have no clue what is even really going on, but don’t really mind either. I just enjoy doing all the renown tracks for the various factions of the expansion to slowly unlock everything.
Not really feeling the Emerald Dream stuff. Never really liked all the druid lore in this game which is odd cause I loved playing a druid in D&D. A bunch of people not from the Dream planting seeds every half hour and having to defend a tree while it walks across a zone only to start it all over doesn’t really feel like I am immersed in what the Emerald Dream could have been for Druid lore IMO.
Just waiting for next expac and dragonflying everywhere in a few weeks. It will be nice to just fly around and explore all of Azeroth in a new way soon.
I’ve seen this phrase a lot this expansion and don’t get the disdain for therapy. I think a lot of characters in this world would be better off with therapy, and while we’re at it, the players.
Like, therapy is good. It was supposed to be an expansion of healing and growth after so many years of peace. That’s the whole point.
Maybe years of disappointment have jaded the player base so much that it seems disgenuine, or players are really so turned off by the peaceful aspect of the expansion (which to me stems from some deep seated feelings that could be changed with, well- therapy?).
I don’t know, I see it a lot. And mostly from the “red or dead/blue or nothing” crowd. It’s interesting at the very least and exhausting at the other end.
I’m not one of those who want the faction war story to continue. I think it’s old and tired and is hard to actually make work. But that crowd does touch upon something legitimate. With all the bloody history between the Alliance and Horde, it feels like a disservice to those storylines that it all just gets swept under the rug so easily. There is no actual reconciliation or reparation for wrong doing. It’s really just “War bad and we are tired”.
There is obviously nothing wrong with the message of pursuing peace and growth. But there has to be a better effort in how they present such a message through said characters. We need to see the growth and struggles it would take to truly do that believably. For some characters that might be easy but for others it may not be so easy.
honestly, I’m probably gonna remember Dragonflight pretty fondly. It’s the first expansion since Mists that’s kept me playing more often than not which says enough about it for me
the story isn’t anything remarkable but it’s had a few enjoyable beats. Fyrakk being diet deathwing has worked for me since blizzard demonstrably sucks at writing anything that isn’t a saturday morning cartoon villain. the faction war can stay dead for all I care. it was dull when they kicked it back up in Legion and it led to the single worst piece of writing in this game’s history with BfA’s pre-patch.
that said, I wouldn’t mind some writing with a bit more thorns to it. hopefully they can deliver that with nerubians and Arathi zealots next expansion
the biggest downside of the expansion, which isn’t even really related to the expansion, is just how empty WrA feels nowadays. I haven’t RPed in 4 centuries anyway so it is what it is but I miss when Stormwind was poppin’ off
I can’t speak for everyone, obviously, even though we should all agree that I do. But I feel like I can provide some insight on this.
Therapy is absolutely wonderful, healthy and great–I wholeheartedly recommend everyone do it who is able to do it. And therapy has long endured a stigma that’s being challenged by current discussion, which I am very in favor of.
And I don’t think I’ll surprise anyone by saying that I wholeheartedly applaud that Blizzard (and media in general) are considering the emotional weight that characters carry. Trauma is certainly a part of that and I think Blizzard deciding to approach that in a character is a laudable decision.
…but it’s still Blizzard.
While therapy is genuinely useful and healthy, it’s also kind of a catch-all overused term in internet slang. People sometimes say “go to therapy” as a write-off or an insult, as if to dismiss someone’s feelings as something that needs to be treated. It often gets bandied about as this magical thing that fixes you just by going to it rather than long months and years of painful work.
People experience that more flippant side of therapy, as well. This is the internet and people are going to respond to what they see. So I can certainly how some people, depending on which corner of the internet they dwell, can come to resent therapy as a concept. Especially if it’s wielded against them.
And I feel like Blizzard’s recent tilt toward emotional weight is less like therapy and more like Therapy™.
Trauma and recovery are a part of their new storytelling values and that’s okay. But part of trauma and recovery are confronting what actually happened. And Dragonflight proves Blizzard isn’t ready to do that.
There’s so much made about the Night Elves recovering from a massive trauma, but absolutely no mention of who caused that trauma even as we fight alongside them. There’s this huge push toward neutrality and coming together but no actual confrontation of what went wrong to make things not that way. It’s not the real brutal emotional work that’s actually compelling that they’re writing, it’s a magic switch they flipped and now everything’s better.
It is the internet’s perception of therapy. Inauthentic and insincere.
I’m personally not super stoked to see Anduin go through that. I fully expect it to be a hollow facade of a process in which Anduin cures his depression by having us collect ten boar butts. And that’s kind of a bummer to me, personally, who actually enjoys seeing characters go through immense struggle because I find that relatable.
Again, that’s just me.
You know what I’ve begun to notice?
For the big DRAGON EXPANSION, there aren’t that many Dragon vs Dragon fights.
There was Alex vs Raz in Waking Shores, Kalec vs Raz a little bit in Azure Span and then the Azurewing show up to scare her away, Chromie vs Eternus but they kinda just hover around each other across time.
We have Chromie vs Iridikron, but Chromie’s in her visage form for the fight, and the final fight with Fyrakk? Everyone else is in their visage form.
Just… I expected more Dragon vs Dragon action.
And there hasn’t been a SINGLE instance of two dragons breathing fire at each other and doing that anime thing where the two beams push back and forth against each other.