And I have an update on Juspion the Miner as well.
It is autumn, in the year 332, and my fortress of “Nisgakzuden” is under siege by humans once again. Frankly, I am a much bigger fan of Goblins than Humans at this point. Yeah, Goblins are supposed to be the natural opponent of dwarves, but they barely ever bother to attack me, and when they do it is in an endearingly pathetic fashion where they send poorly-equipped troops directly into my traps. Not so with humans–they come well armed, and carefully scout out traps and avoid them.
My troops are holding the line against humans on the surface, sort of–I built a complicated ice corridor for the humans to march through while getting fired upon by marksdwarves, but it isn’t working that well. Mostly the crossbow bolts seem to be making the humans barf (the green smears), not die (getting injured in dwarf fortress often makes things nauseous)
But so far humans haven’t broken through on the surface. So the main town down below should be ok, right? Well uh, this is what it looked like:
Yeah my lovely town is currently a pit of gore and battle, but not because of humans–right as the humans started attacking, the local blacksmith started throwing a “tantrum”. For anyone unfamiliar with dwarf fortress, dwarves throw tantrums when they have been sad for a long time–sometimes they start throwing punches, sometimes they just break stuff. In this case, he started attacking people, and people started attacking him back, and then started fighting each other… a small fight can spiral into a giant brawl in a tight area, and many dwarves were clustered in the town since I had ordered them off the surface.
Note in the top of that image the little smiley face icons–I had 71 angry dwarves, indicated by the red angry face, so everyone was so miserable that they were spoiling for a fight. The fort’s mental health was in a wretched state after some recent battles.
Anyway, what about Juspion? Well, I get the notification that he has “gone missing”, which is the game’s way of saying that he is dead, but the body has not been found. I scour the fort, but I can’t find his body anywhere. My best guess is, in the midst of the brawl, he got mortally wounded and fell into some hard-to-reach hole or something? According to Legends mode, the game’s historical chronicle, he was killed by a citizen named Doren Tallanced, who in turn was killed in the same brawl by a resident goblin bard.
All told over two dozen dwarves died, most of the gravestones on the right here are memorializing deaths from this brawl. It was the deadliest event my fort has experienced yet, and it was all because one sad boy decided to throw a tantrum.
The good news is that Juspion died not long after I had completed building a snow pyramid on the surface (a random project I started to use up some ice I had lying around), so I used it as a cool burial spot for him.
Here it is from above
And this is the interior burial chamber, with tombstone and (empty) casket since his body was never found. I had his prized llama statue moved into the tomb, and, since his favorite food was great white shark and I felt a little bad that I never managed to feed him that (they’re hard to find on the tundra), I made him a shark statue too
Anyway at the end of the day the humans were driven off on the surface while the townsfolk down below beat each other to death or unconsciousness. Once things had calmed down I realized I had to deal with the fort’s mental health crisis, so I drafted all the sad dwarves into militia squads and sent these “bad vibes brigades” off to conquer other sites, just so they would be somewhere else instead of causing civil wars at home. Somewhat surprisingly, these squads of untrained, unarmored, extremely sad dwarves were all successful, and I captured several towns. So I hope they manage to cheer up a bit as the overlords of human and elf villages, but in the meantime, I’m just happy to have them gone.
So that’s it for Juspion the miner. Not quite as heroic as Norman’s webby last stand, but dying in a chaotic brawl is all any dwarf can ask for. Usually my miners die because I accidentally ask them to mine into magma so this one surprised me.