Leave my Tree alone!
(or else I’ll mind control you and make you eat poop)
Leave my Tree alone!
(or else I’ll mind control you and make you eat poop)
whistles innocently
My mind stop pronouncing words after the first syllable. Only reason im in here
The Horde didn’t burn down Teldrassil, it was the NE being so bad at cooking meat for the Gilneans!
Aw, you’re no fun.
douses torch
Lol the title only made me think of Navi. “HEY! LISTEN!”
I don’t want anything to do with your tree.
YOU ACT like htey’re not already actively doing that without being MC’d
looks up
What makes you think I need to be mind controlled?!
I want to burn it!
Our tree we helped grow it too.
You mean what night elves eat every day?
That’s hardly a threat. Sounds more like a potential date than a punishment.
Are you asking me on a date?
I already eat dead bodies I don’t think I can get any lower.
I hear you loud and clear! then start making a cooking fire on the tree
I hear you loud and clear! then start making a cooking fire on the tree
I’m gonna send Smokey Bear on you both!