Hey all so I’m deciding between dev and destro but I’m really liking dev. I’ve read some guide however I’m struggling with damage especially ST. Any help or tips would be great!
i have read that a few times. so t hats why im just confused what i can do better?
thank you fgor link tho!
Without a log, no one is going to be able to tell you how to improve. The most you can hope to get would be people just regurgitating talking points from the guide. Record / log your gameplay, then you can get more help.
So I do have logs. How do I post them here?
Edit: I’ll post them here in a bit. Ty!
If you’re not the only scalecommander evoker in your group then your damage is going to look bobo on the meters, as all bombardment damage will be attributed to everyone who procs it instead of just you.
Details will give it all to you if you’re the only one though.
The basic rotation is quite simple, it’s mostly just about maintaining uptime and not clipping mass disintegrate with regular disintegrate. Also using hover wisely, and such.
i gotcha. yea i did not know that about bombardment. i have looked at my clipping at it seems decent. plus im trying to get most of dragon rasge i think i get mid 30s to 38 seccs. i was going to post logs but i cant even make a comment or reply to the previous person who was helping me. could you guys l;et me know how to link them as well. i tried linking to parsalian but i literally couldnt respond
Your dragonrage duration should always be 38 seconds. You hold it until your empowers are off cooldown. You do both at the beginning of dragonrage and both again when they come off cooldown.
The basic opener should look like “Deep Breath → Dragonrage → Fire Breath → Shattering Star → Eternity Surge → Mass Disintegrate → Mass Disintegrate → rotation as normal” and basically repeat that every time your empower cooldowns are off again. (not accounting for tier set cooldown reduction because we’re basically almost done with that anyway). Shattering star won’t always line up and that’s fine, just make sure you do not consume Blue iridescence with it. Deep breath also won’t always line up.
Also you can put links in by adding a tilde to the beginning and end of whatever you’re trying to link and it will look like this
sweet! tyvm! is deepbreath a big dps loss if im not using it al ot? and also do you possibly know how to make a cancel macro for it so i stop flying. and then could you just let me know what the reg rotation is? and also is dev gear or stat dependent? tyvm!
Deep breath is a core component of scalecommander. You can cancel it by just hitting the button again.
The regular rotation is just using disintegrate when you can and using living flame when you can’t. Use deep breath and shattering star on cooldown after the opener unless you can line them up with your empowers without losing much time. (once again be sure not to eat a charge of blue iridescence with shattering star, you want to use iridescence on mass disintegrate)
Most of the skill expression of the spec is just understanding chaining vs. clipping, when to do either, and making good use of hover.
For gear you just want to aim for crit/haste. You won’t be super messed up if your gear isn’t optimal though.
tyvm for all the help! I’m not sure if ill stay with it though. I’m sub 700k overall dps and its just incredibly disheartening. the rotation does seem simple and easy but its just not going well. my st and aoe are just terrible for 610 ilvl when others at the same ilvl are doing well over a million overall dps. i appreciuat all the tips and advice tho!
I’d go destro.
Devoker is a mess.
Yeah, once you get the hang of it, it is very fun!
Destro is def up there with dev that I’m wanting to play
I play both and both are so fun once you get going. I enjoy devo a little more because of how mobile it can be.
im having a ton of fun with destro. honestly its prob what ill go with. if i were more optimistic bout dev i would try more. but seeing my performance on dev has me bummed. but at least 1 of the two is working out!
Aye, and if you do the green fire quest, all your fire becomes green with fel. It is so cool looking. Add in Lord Banehollow’s Soulstone glyph from another questline, and you have a green orb following you around where your soul is .
Warlocks get some of the best glyphs
The only sad thing about this glyph is that you only have 1. I used mine in Demonology, I wanted another one to use in Destruction.
You can just change specs, talk to the imp, to get another banehollows glyph. I have the glyph for all three of my specs.
i want it so bad lol