so im wondering if its worth leveling my resto up for season 2. my main is holy priest and even tho the changes are good are aoe is still very lacking and looking like we may not get any help with it further. i also have an h pally at the same ilvl but they’re kinda dooming atm too. so my question is is it worth spending time gearing resto or if its going to be right along holy priest and holy paladin. also is going oom normal on resto? not sure if i formatted this right so sorry if not. tyvm
edit: just for a bit more info i would like to push and not have trouble getting into keys as i am with holy priest. ty again
I wouldn’t sweat it. Resto will still be a great healer imo. The utility alone is enough reason to invite one to your group.
And yes, Resto has had mana issues for a while now. Unfortunately that’s one of the downsides.
With all that said, the tuning is still not done, so take what you see/hear right now with a grain of salt.
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thank you for the response! that is good to know that the kit will still be very useful!
yea the mana thing seems kinda crazy seems like a process just to learn how to manage it.
true hopefully there is some good tuning! thank you again!
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For season 2 shaman looks to be the worst healer. Which sucks cause I loved my shammy
Now I use monk and love it
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aw thats sad to hear. i do have a monk but havent really geared them
I would roll monk or hpriest/disc priest. You can do twice the work with half the buttons. Shaman feels great to play with all of the utility but is outshines in raw healing and dps of the other healers. We aren’t getting great changes either.
I hear people saying farseer is looking good, but it was already so far behind totemic the changes they made don’t look promising.
Resource management has always been a part of the game for all classes/specs.
Healers generally have the hardest time with this since if they blow through it all it can cause a wipe, where if a dps blows through their resource they just lose a few dps on the meter.
Some healers need to worry about mana (Rsham, Hpriest, Rdruid).
Some healers don’t (MW, Disc)
Either we all need resource management or get rid of it. As it stands currently it doesn’t make sense.
Rsham will not be invited to keys above a +12. So if your goal is anything +12 or higher you are wasting your time as an Rsham. Otherwise you will do great.