Hey guys did you hear

They’re making a new Delorean, and it’s the most unfortunate thing. Looks like a less elegant Corvette with gull-wing doors and a back seat.

Tell me some good news, Wyrmrest Accord. What’ve you been up to?

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Lately my interest in Steam Warriors has been flaring, and I’m beginning to feel like there is lost potential in adding that or something adjacent into TWW. I will probably be haunted by the idea of mechs battling eldritch forces beneath the earth for a few days at least.

Can’t imagine why anyone would want to bring back the Delorean. I don’t recall it being that popular of a car outside of its association with Back to the Future.

It would also really not work with today’s parking situation, where you’re crammed in with barely enough space to open the door to leave your car, assuming the people on either side of you can park like a human being.

Also, showing my age here, but

looks a lot like a less-cooler version of

I think the important questions here are, would Marty and the Doc get into the thing and can the back seat accommodate the flux capacitor?

If it’s like the original, the doors actually swing outward less than more conventional ones, so that shouldn’t be a problem unless they inexplicably screwed that up, too.

But you see that thing, right? It looks so…generic. And why would they make it red? Complete failure of branding.

People who can afford these have reserved parking at work, so that’s not a concern for their market demographic.

Red goes faster. Obviously

Most new cars have no actual soul and this one is no exception. I find it boring.

I’ll take it. Just don’t tax me.

I would take one if someone tossed me the keys and said “have fun.” But there are alot of other cars I would rather own before this… whatever it is.

I’ve come to the conclusion that people who claim Thrall cheated in his Mak’gora on Draenor are the Warcraft equivalent of Flat Earthers.