I hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the game!
Right back at you, bud. I’m still in the push to 68 so I can finally hit Northrend. Closing in, though! Hope everyone who’s started raiding is having a good time.
So far so good. Just hit 75 today!
I’m having a great time! Same to you friend, keep yer feet on the ground.
I hit 74. Again! Started leveling the wrong toon in order to explore and stuff and remembered the toon with epic flight has to hit 80 first to provide flying to the alts. Ay caramba! Aside from that it goes well. Met some new people. Summoned a few others. Ignored trolls in LFG.
I feel like you summoned the entire horde community <3
I tend to do that, even without goin to tarren mill. Lol
Yes. I used up all my shards several times over. But at least now that mages can port more frequently I am letting my warlock get some rest. That and because the mages would gang up and roast me alive for cutting down on the fees they can collect by selling ports!