Hey blizzard

HEY BLIZZARD what’s ur opinion on the Uighurs genocide occuring in China currently?


I don’t think they will touch on that with a 1000yard pole.

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inb4 banned

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u better answer or ill unsub

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Everyone with a soul knows it’s pure evil.

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tru but Blizz seems to be quite fond of their government

I doubt they are, and if they were that just ended.

This is why I consider the forums to be a news source. Googling Uigurs also gives results of Uyghurs.

Time to read up on some whatever this is.

So, only those who buy into some cultist beliefs that steal one’s humanity?

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Be enlightened friend, but it’s a harsh truth

I am just starting to look, and am coming into this with zero prior information.

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I’m hoping to move to China sometime in the next few years. I’m currently working on a startup, but I would maybe move our headquarters there, after we gain enough traction.

I like the idea of having a unified culture, and am willing to adapt to it.

Don’t get to literal, metaphor and figures of speech are excellent methods of communication, this you should agree.

When telling stories, perhaps.

With anything worth questioning, presenting, or arguing, there’s no such thing as too literal, imo.

There are some universal truths, one of them that I think most rational people can agree on is oppression and murder are both vile and the definition of evil.

Although, it isn’t always possible to agree on what is oppression nor murder.

Perhaps you should read up on what is indeed happening over there.

I’m reading it. What’s your point though?

China has too much control over its own culture? (that seems like it could be a selling point)


It’s not even Sunday yet.

What’s your opinion on a country curbing a cult, and protecting its citizens and culture?

This is something you should be asking your elected Representatives. Contact your Congressman and/or Senator, put them on the spot, demand a public statement, make sure to mention Tibet while your at it.