Hey Blizz... your PvP team is pathetic

We’re talking BGs; WM is separate and has nothing to do with honor. Nor, after 120 XP does nothing, so.

I covered BGs… was speaking about the etc.

When it comes to random bgs, who really cares if one faction or the other gets more honor? Honor is, from what I can tell (And I’m only honor level 83 or so), cosmetic. And the gear is capped to below a mythic/combatant item level anyway. Heck, even less than warfront gear. Let them have all the honor and insignificant gear they want if it balances out the queue times (To low queue times for both factions) and shakes up the winrates for individual players.

Now I know the argument is “Horde have it bad sometimes too”. And I can partially agree with that. But with no factional difference, there’s no faction to ‘blame’ on losing. It comes down to individual player skill on each side - or lack thereof in some cases. Honestly, taking factions out of BGs (Since arenas and RBGs already nix factions mattering) would probably be one of the best changes for the casual scene.

Just my 17 cent.

(Edited for some spelling. Probably more I missed)


Why … because alliance loses ??? There is no lack of talent on alliance side as seen by the raid squads … maybe they shd apply that to BG’s.

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Play horde.

Don’t give me that “I shouldn’t have to play the faction I least prefer” nonsense- just make an alt.

Do us a favor and link us the reflex of the Blizzard-tilted mountain of wins you get.

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So the Alliance should play Horde, making Horde queues even longer? That’s not a solution. Just abolish factions for casual pvp. It’s a simple fix, really.

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I’d just have fun and say who cares

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Horde don’t mind the longer wait times .

And when enough Horde get sick of the wait times they will go merc and the alliance will start to win again . Nothing wrong with the system .

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Exactly. Will probably have close to the same amount.

Re-rolling horde isn’t a suggestion to your “problem.”

I suggest rolling horde so you can gain a firsthand understanding that the faction imbalance is in your head.

We blame our losses on different things, that’s all. When we lose, it’s because that’s just the nature of PvP- win some, lose some. When you lose, it’s because Blizzard deliberately engineered tiny win averages for your faction because they hate you. Forum posters wouldn’t say it unless it was 100% true after all.


I blame the elitist pvp population for this faction imbalance. They see that 1 faction has racials that provide a .0024% dps increase then they flock to it. Then their friends join them because “all the good pvp guilds are this faction lol”. In my opinion they should make the ally racials INSANE, like a 600% damage increase for 5 minutes. Then when everyone flocks to ally they should nerf it to -600% damage for 10 min. Rinse and repeat until these chucklecucks stop flocking to 1 faction or spend all their money on faction changes.


Making mixed factions ques would kill the alliance off, there would be no reason to play the faction anymore. The horde currently has a higher pool of players to choose from. So what would stop more ppl from slowly drifting over to horde for people to play with? pvp and pve wise.

Like I hate to bring private servers up for fear of being banned but every tbc server that has done this to address the community driven issue of faction balance has seen alliance just die completely. The only thing right now that prevents one faction from completely dying in wow is its large numbers that’s it.

If people would just stop rolling with the flow thinking a racial is going to win them more games when 90% of the players who do this will never been in a situation where it matters at all. Its super frustrating on retail and private servers.


Why just pvp? From what I hear, it’s the pve side too


Bribe them to join the other. It’s their usual tactic.

What about Europe?

Faction neutral battlegrounds won’t work, because the rest of the game is also designed around the faction conflict. If there is no reason to play Alliance, the PvE side of the game will also suffer. What happens when dungeons take longer to form because there are fewer players? Raids? LFR? Do they then make the whole game faction-less? Not going to happen - the conflict is in the name.

You can try to entice more people to play Alliance, but if the carrot on the stick doesn’t work, what else is there to do?


The point of factionless ‘casual’ bgs - keep in mind, the bgs in question are the random ones, not rated play - would be to allow the playerbase on the casual level to mingle. It removes the ‘illusion’ of (Insert faction here) is bad, as this has been flipped before to “HORDE CAN’T WIN BGS QQQQQ” in the past. Either way, it simply opens up the queue times for all players, and diversifies the experience away from faction/racial blaming. Unless it boils down to “Our team had 3 alliance players, and yours only had 2 QQ”

Besides. It’s casual play anyway. People just wanna queue up and mess around. Mix people up and spread the experience and knowledge. Maybe the Alliance players will learn how to play from the Horde overlords. (Obvious joke, but will point it out for the less observant)

Swtor does this and it works great. I would prefer this over some AIs tbh . Esp seeing how none of my teams today could fill games all 7 to 9 ppl liek come on blizz for horde that cant be right . You are telling me that horde cant find 2 or 3 people to fill a bg team ? Like what in the audacity.

Right now, it’s all stick, no carrot.
30% WM is obviously failing at its intended goal because Alliance are still getting 30%.
Blizzard will have to do something to entice horde players to roll Alliance or the game dies.


Time to roll in the BOTs. Whole teams full of bots that dont mind losing. Allow casual players to get some gear :slight_smile:

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