Hey an apology

In a way it is, it’s admitting that their current philosophy does not work and that they need to have a new one.
It’s also why they changed their frying methods to significantly have less saturated fat.

You don’t change what works, you change what doesn’t work. Not having healthier options didn’t work so they changed it.

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I actually like the fries. :frowning:

that second thread was ages ago, but yeah today it was that first one, I found the particularly post that was flagged and removed it.

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Cool going to remove all your anti woman rhethoric?


well if the majority of people find whichever post offensive, im going to get rid of it yes

If you want to avoid being silenced on the forums, just don’t post. Blizzard mods will ban with or without flags, with our without notification, with or without reason.

It would be best to consider what you said and understand that if it’s getting banned it might not be something you should say.


Yeah I won’t repeat the same words again now.

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Yup. I disagree with that. If i get banned… Fantastic but the other person better get banned also (if they were breaking the rules). I don’t know why you would have a tos of its selectively enforced.

Will do no good. They can see what was said before you deleted it.

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Chances are poster said nothing of material but the oh no brigade got on their bat phones and called out a level one sensitivity alarm


Well if that happens it happens but hopefully Blizz will know I am sorry and trying to do better

This is, unfortunately, the best way to survive 2020 lol.

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I don’t agree with that. There’s a lot to be said about having some humility and an open mind.


The difficulty I have with what Allandri is saying is that there is a huge difference between sticking to what you believe in because that’s your faith, and sticking to what you are saying purely out of arrogance and pride, sometimes we make passing comments that don’t really how much they really upset people.

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Yeah, like that they’ll get you killed on social media :rofl:

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Someone probably just disagreed with you and decided to mass flag. I never seen you cross any boundaries before or upset people. Nor do you go out of your way to upset people. If you’re truly worried you can throw in a ticket and ask, before the system auto deletes it and auto silences you. ( that happened to me before the GM looked into it and overturned the systems decision).

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That’s not the issue, it’s that an apology is now treated as evidence of deeper guilt.

A accuses B.
If B apologizes, A takes the apology that B is even more deserving of being dragged.
If B refused to apologize, A and As mob eventually run out of steam.

Believe it or not, not everyone is a fan of non-apologetic buttheads.


There’s also a big difference between apologizing because you mean it and apologizing because you fear the repercussions of what you said/did.
