Killed all previous 6 bosses on heroic, did pulls on heroic Rag last night. Came back in tonight to Rag being gone, Rag spawns if swapped to normal mode, swapping back to heroic causes to Rag despawn again
Killed all previous 6 bosses on heroic, did pulls on heroic Rag last night. Came back in tonight to Rag being gone, Rag spawns if swapped to normal mode, swapping back to heroic causes to Rag despawn again
Having the same issue right now. We cleared 6/7H last night and reformed tonight to finish 7/7H. Ragnaros only spawns on normal mode and does not spawn on heroic.
Blizzard please fix.
have the same issue.
Same issue. Bump.
bump sadge
Yeah this is a big problem. A lot of people complaining about it.
Many others say the same.
happy 20th anniversary
it would behoove you to fix this issue @blizzard
This is a game breaking issue that needs to be addressed immediately. It’s hard enough to get 25 people together on a dying game. Disappointing to see announcement of more re-re-re-launches yet the current state of the game is so sad.
someone stole your Rag bros/sistas
I’m being held hostage to show up to raids by my GM. It’s still sad though, to show up to raid and the final boss doesn’t spawn on Heroic.
You sir, are dented af.
actually though?
try to help someone runs off crying
Acshually though? merrrrp
The boss spawns on normal so the lockout isn’t hijacked.
Having the same problem, this needs to be fixed asap.
took the night off despite having 5 wives and 20 children just to raid with my homies just for this…
cmon blizz be reasonable
respect this mans Time Blizzard!
My guild’s having the same problem. We’re 80 wipes into phase 1 and were a few pulls away from a kill.