Badges are nice and all but I don’t think the current overall award makes it desirable for players to do multiple runs each day, thus negatively affecting the ability to form groups. If its going to drop phase one 10 man gear (200/213), than it needs to be better suited for lesser geared players.
If its going to be at this difficulty it seems pointless to have 10 man phase 1 gear, it should at least be given a chance of dropping 213/226 phase 1 gear or something.
I feel it will negatively impact the ability to create groups which overall will not be a good experience for new players and alts.
It would be easier just to do 10 man or 25 man phase 1 raids for better gear. 10 mans drop old 25 man 213/226 gear, 25 mans drop extra loot of the same.
I don’t think this was implemented well. We’ll see how it goes soon enough.
don’t you only get one satchel with conquest in it a day? if so then you’re right. but i suspect thats to make sure we don’t abuse it by doing world tours.
Correct but I’m fine with subsequent ones not giving tokens but they should give something. Otherwise what’s the point of doing another dungeon aside from a minority that would anyway. Most people will get their tokens for the day and likely do other things.
Whereas if some kind of reward for subsequent dungeons dropped people may run more dungeons resulting in making more groups possible to form each day on the server.
Would bring a higher percentage of geared players into the mix making the experience better for new players and alts as well.
You can’t do it so it needs to be removed. Imagine being this entitled. For what it’s worth, I’ve run like 10 of these on chars of varying gear levels, all pugs, and had maybe 3 total wipes. They’re literally easy
Ive done the daily the last 4 days with both guildies and pugs and its been entirely doable in all instances. You cant sleep through them but with a little attention to mechanics theyre not that bad at all
On what server are you? Here on Pagle most people on group finder are looking for the usual Heroic and outside of the daily, there isn’t as much Heroic+ groups. Also most H+ groups I go with have like 3.9k or more GS which is totally fine, just dont suck and don’t watch something on your second monitor…you need to focus.
(I assume you mean MORE damage than already is) and the second healer gets icy path, every 3k gs tank going without heals for 5-7 seconds will drop…where is fun in that?
H+ is not really meant for 4.4k gs toons.
It’s for 3.3. O 3.5. It is challenging for them.
It is especially challenging to players who haven’t played WOW for a long time.
Former retail M+ runners, now, it’s easy for them.
A lot of players just freeze up when too much starts to happen.
Weird bc there are groups constantly on my server. Trade chat is also full of people LFM for H+, really busy for a failed design. If you can’t hack it just say so. Also multiple LFGs saying “normal” heroic. Make a group, put normal badge run In description, profit.
You actually can ignore it if you don’t have extra time to do it.
Can always grind out dungeons in outland I guess. If you don’t want to join a low geared group join a guild get them geared and run with them.
Seriously all these posts about make it my way. They created this stuff for the majority your playing an MMO. SO FIND A GROUP THAT PLAYS THE SAME TIME YOU DO AND PROGRESS WITH THEM.
If only blizzard had a solution to this. I’m thinking maybe if they would have added a random dungeon que so you can just get going. Though might be hard to do since we wanted an untouched classic experience. Honestly wish they had a feature like that in original wrath. Maybe one day they will add something like they have on retail servers. Bwahahahaha I’m in tears.
Retail is insanely difficult/competitive nowadays so a lot of people probably prefer the more casual nature of WOTLK.
The easiest specs on retail are still wildly complicated and high APM compared to playing classic, so it’s very easy for old/long term players to get overwhelmed.
I would love to get some feedback from blizzard with this. Working as intended or we hear you and are working on it. The constant ignoring the playerbase is incredibly frustrating.