Heroic+ has a chance to become a big eSport

No thanks… Then the gear disparity garbage will begin. If they wanna do it without changing current gear and gear drops will be the same go for it

Lol it’s pretty close tbh, I don’t know how people actually can sit their and watch others do mythics… even the AWC recently has been almost completely unwatchable.

Blizzard has historically been garbage at e-sports anything comparative to pretty much anything else.
MDI is boring lol. Watered down MDI in classic would be worse.

This is just fanfiction you want to be real tbh.


So basically you are wanting them to make it even less Classic.


This dude gets it! No one wants silly e sports in classic

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Yep I’m sure it’ll be as successful of an esport as mythic+ in retail is.

No they can keep that shi!t in retail where it belongs, they already killed raids there… it can stay there


I’m confused how they killed raids when you can’t get top end from mythic. +

you are referring to mythic raids, I don’t remember saying mythic but still.
There is far more people that want to play mythic than raid n/h where lets face it the bulk are, and even those that do mostly require you to complete x mythic plus for gear, they killed standard raiding with this time cr@p.
I used to like heroics>raid>heroic Raiding, and I have even done some mythic raiding, now a days I am content with heroics, without the added requirement of Mplus.

Now to set thigs straight, if they had done different gear for m plus specifically designed for that content and left raids alone so the two did not interchange then, more power to the Mplus players but they did, they just added another layer in that you are expected to do for raids.

Yes I hate it and not its not because I cannot do it, its because it doesn’t belong IMO in an MMOrpg in the current state its in as an esport.
hope that all makes sense I had a couple drinks and am not reading it all to check lol

You said raids. That encompasses all difficulty’s
Don’t cherry pick your argument to make it right

Raiding will always be better than mythic plus because of the ilvl difference.

Mythic+ has never been a requirement for raiding. It was an alternative path with a set cap lower then the current raid.

OK bud.
I typed out this whole thing, but you just want to be right and I CBF with that tonight, so sure you are right, there you go.

I stand by my original post and you can disagree and be right in your mind, I know what I meant/feel and you cannot change that.

That is the opposite of cool. This ridiculous notion of “esports” is against everything classic stands for.

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It’s not about being right. It’s about you altering your argument to fit your needs. Pick one

Is it “all raiding is irrelevant “

Or “we’ll yeah raids give Bette gear but I cba to do anything harder than normal”

No right now its literally about your need to be correct, or argue the point and I am not going to play, good luck with the next person lol .

And now it’s mad because it can’t articulate a decent argument. Cheers

Oh I am not mad, I am amused sitting here with a smile on my face actually, but you think whatever you like, which you were anyway. you keep assuming away and trying to goad me into an argument, it’s not going to work I already said you were correct, in your mind, and you are enjoy you won an internet argument.


Just basing my logic of the answers you provided

“Raiding is ded”

“Well ok no not mythic raiding but I’m still right! “

Absolute joke

Arena competitions at Blizzcon was a thing back in the day, so… :woman_shrugging:

eSport in classic? No thank you, if you want espots please go back to retail and do it there.