Heroic Dungeons are too easy to bridge the gap to M+

Raid finder gear is vet though.

And heroic dungeons giving cruddy raid finder gear isn’t a bad thing as it’s an upgrade.

Currently it’s heroic dungeons giving junk adventure 4/8 pleb gear which is horrible gear. And then the next step up is M0 giving 493 and 1/6 hero in vault which is heroic raider loot.

The gap is hilariously bad to where I feel like the devs look down on people doing heroic dungeons. It’s also just a terrible gear transition as well.

I mean 4/8 adventure loot to 493 champion and heroic in vault… come on man. Why don’t you just tell people to unsub and never come back lol.


Can confirm. Did some M0s on my main. Went and did Heroics on an alt. Heroics felt like normals. They were fast, easy, boring. They felt nothing like old M0s, not even close. And the difficulty gap between Heroic ->M0 now is like WOW, sooooo massive. Like night and day.


oh really…without normals there would literally be no way for anyone coming abck from a break to do heoric dungeons without being forced to do world quests.

who cares, theyre fast easy and reliable for some mid gear now

Hey, world quests are usually quicker to complete than dungeons and you’re not at the mercy of RNG drops for the rewards! Plus you’ve got the weekly quests which give much better gear than either world quests or even heroic dungeons…

They should have been 1/8 vet. There is no equivalent to a season 3 +2-5 now and that is really silly when you think about it.

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i despise world quests with a passion. im an old fashioned type person prefers the wrath model of just queueing for instances. call me boring. im not interested in doing world content. have never touched the stuff.


I’m just going to put this here like I’ve been doing in a couple of other threads. Based on ilevel of gear drops and scaling, this is what I came up with:

The difficulty is currently scaled like this:

N ------ H ------------------ M ---- +2

I think it needs to be more like:

N ---------- H ---------- M -------- +2


I dont trust this chart. it looks suspicious.


I care. They’re too easy for the gear they give. If I am vetting people for an M0 and want someone 470+, they could get 470 in Heroic. But Heroics require 0 skill so they could be geared but preform really terrible at the class/spec/role

Heroic should be where they learn mechanics. But when mechanics don’t matter you ignore them/learn nothing

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maybe dont pug then. also isnt RAIDER IO a thing

If you want EZ faceroll Heroics, then maybe you’re the type that should stay in normal if you’re afraid of Heroics being a bit harder where someone might actually die to a mechanic.

I am thinking they should at least feel like Cata dungeons did when Cata launched

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they are a bit harder now and i love it

if u dont like it go play another game

Not from what I saw. I went in expecting…something? And nadda. I could do these “heroics” at like 400ilvl


then stay in your mythic 0 (+10)

I’d gladly, except like I said earlier - giving free 470+ gear to players for zero effort makes it a lot harder to vet people for it

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470 is the new 440

get 490+ in

post on your main

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If you’re 490 you don’t do content that drops 493. Once you’re 490 you’re well into M+.

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i got a 493 and a 502 from the timewalking box

there goes your house of cards