Heroic Dawn of Infinite?

Hi, I’m late to the expansion and I’ve been trying to do some key bits of content for Dragonflight in a loose order. I went through the questline leading up to the Dawn of the Infinite dungeon. In a post from last year (below) I saw that a heroic difficulty was added for this dungeon and available to queue for via Group Finder. But I don’t see the option to queue for it in game. Was this removed? I haven’t been able to find anything else about it.

I’m seeing both wings available under the specific dungeon option on my characters that can see heroic dungeons at all.

The only think I can think of is that maybe it has a slightly higher ilvl requirement than the other heroics and you haven’t quite hit the threshold for it.

Well that gives me something to go off of at least. The post says the min ilvl required is 372, my ilvl is 424 so it’s odd I can’t queue up or see it. I can’t see any heroics at all actually, only normals. Maybe that’s the issue…

Item levels have gone up since this week’s reset, so older posts may be misleading. Like Udiza, I see both wings available, separately, under Specific Dungeons on an ilevel 450 alt.

I guess that must be it, I thought I would at least see it grayed out if it was in ilvl thing.

That would have been my expectation as well (along with a hint on why you can’t queue) but my very low ilvl 70 had all heroics “missing” from the list. I just looked again as he got some upgrades earlier today. At ilvl 430 (427 equipped) I still can’t see any heroics in the specific dungeon list and the random heroic queue shows a minimum ilvl of 441 needed.

So, it looks like you’ll want to aim for 441.