We just full cleared Heroic Amirdrassil and did not get this achievement. We got the normal one though. Meta not awarded due to this.
Blizzards Response: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000358724?_gl=1*8kayhc*_ga*NTA3MTYzMzAxLjE3MTQ5Njk0ODI.*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcxNTU1NTgxMS4yMy4xLjE3MTU1NTU4MTcuNTQuMC4w
Essentially, yeah it was broken but we don’t know if we can give you the achievement, try again in 3 weeks.
Same here. Just finished full heroic clear, got the normal achievement.
I’m having the same issue. Really hoping it’s retroactively rewarded.
Same problem here. Hopefully they fix this soon.
I have the same problem. Cleared heroic, only got achievement for normal.
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My entire guild is in the same boat. Tindral is not giving credit on Heroic, though we had to kill him to get to Fyrakk. We got the normal achievement just fine on the full clear though.
Yep. Got the Normal achieve but no Heroic:Awakened Flames from clearing it on Heroic.
The achievement is also not providing a tier token (Awakened Mark of Mastery) for characters that haven’t gotten one already
Same. Got the normal achievement but not the heroic awakened flames from clearing heroic.
Bumping because it also happened to me. Did ANYONE received the title this week? Or is it just some people?
I’m dumbfounded that Blizzard has not commented on this whatsoever that I’m aware of.
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My entire raid group is in the same boat. We downed Fyrakk and cheered, then I asked where our Heroic Awakened Flames and Meta achieve were and they’re all mad. More so because we all submitted bug reports, saved logs, and were met with varying responses through tickets. From, update your addons to just do it again in 3 weeks. Would be nice for them to at least acknowledge there is an issue.
Same. It is absolutely unacceptable that they cut QA, stuff like this happens, and the response is “too bad”
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Same thing happened to me. Cleared heroic on Tuesday but only got the achievement for normal. I’ve noticed some players that cleared it on Wednesday did get the heroic achievement. So I’m assuming it’s fixed now but still not rewarding credit retroactively for those that did it on Tue.
From the message my guildmate got that is correct. They were told the devs know and did/are work(ing) to fix it but that it can’t be received retroactively and we should get it on our next full clear.
I’m only looking for confirmation as to whether or not I am simply needing to complete the raid on Heroic again (or worse if still I won’t be awarded the title if I do).
edit: I’d prefer for the achievement to be listed as earned the night it was released. Not a big deal though.
edit2: CONFIRMED Full reclear works, every single boss, got me the achievement. Took several hours to pug in comparison to doing it all at once tuesday. Bad experience.
Same here though Raider io acknowledges that I cleared it on Heroic. They should fix it and awared it retroactivly. This is insane that they dont take acountability for the bugs in the patches they release. Hard enough getting into a heroic group at times let alone clearing it a second time for something that should have been awarded after fiurst clear.
I cleared this yesterday and got the normal achievement for some reason as well. I was excited to get a heroic piece then got trolled.