Herod to become to Designatted Multiboxer Server

Not sure where you heard Herod is BR server. Most BR guilds are going to Thalnos and LATAM guilds announced they’re rolling on Faerlina. Herod is mostly NA at this point, streamers/BR/LATAM are just doing themselves a disservice to roll there especially since most BR/LATAM players will be on other servers anyways.


See, I’d think that the natural place for this would be with the streamers. That way the multi boxers could lay some smack down on those streamer armies. It’d make for some great fights and even better videos!

I think they do it for different reasons from being good.

take your multibox trash elsewhere kthx.


Thanks for announcing your guild name and intentions, and for financially supporting Classic through multiple subs.

Rolling Alliance on Herod. All Horde multiboxers will taken care of, swiftly.


Yea, but money is more important than your fun so, you just multibox yourself if you feel real bad about, its allowed so just do it if its so good.

Farming, multiboxing pays for itself and then some on retail, you can easily spend your farmed gold on wow tokens for all your accounts and still have a large surplus.

Yes, I support this. All multiboxers congregate on herod!


We will eradicate you.
Herod is the people’s server
Star Wars, attack of the clones, remember.
You will leave with your tail between your legs

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No… at least there is a good amount of Horde streamers going to Herod.

Clearly he is going to multibox and sell the charcters. Welcome to the internet

<3 you guys.

Great, that makes one person take up 2-10 extra spots in a login que

explains why they reached a 45k login queue during initial opening.

going to be amusing when multiboxers cant get all their clones logged in. fitting justice really


i should move to herod