In the first 15 seconds he went public with enough info for everyone who hates streamers in general to spend their time camping him. Seriously, he is selling a brand and if he isn’t smart enough to control the words out of his face hole even a little, he is going to get EXACTLY what he is talking about. Fair is fair after all and he is special in precisely no way.
Begone troll.
Begone cuck.
Could you please provide a source for this information? Thank you.
You first.
Sorry, here to stay.
Yeah guess you’ve already finished all your pet battles eh?
O good to hear.
Looking forward to reading more of your post crying and whining about streamers.
Exactly. Mans is missing a bolt upstairs lol.
The only time I log onto BFA is to farm gold or check auctions, so I don’t know what you’re on about.
Oh I actually saw that one. It was great. Basically I need to be a rogue so I can wait for the opportune time to gank. Although these streamers will probably have fanboys around
Didn’t take me more than a few clicks to realize hes a WoD baby and the majority of the content he does is pet battles lmao
He said it on his stream right as I logged on.
To be fair, I’m didn’t hear conversation preceding him stating it, so could be a sarcastic reply, but I don’t think so. He seemed pretty straight forward when he stated it.
If the pastebin going around with streamers personal info is any indicator, I think the people that’ll be crying is them. Just saying.
Any way you can get a clip of that for us?
He’s trolling. He’s not annoucing until launch day.
Shameful really.
Let’s continue to watch em squirm.
hahahahahhahahahah yeah sure man
Maybe short term while their horde is getting geared up. But you lack vision if you cant see that they’ll be able to rule over you plebs in the long game if y’all don’t stop being toxic.
Only cuck around here is you and how triggered the topic is making you lol.