Herod pop problem solved

You act as though blizzard set the cap lower than it should be because they love ques. Lol jesus christ you honestly think they wouldn’t set it to a max number so they have a smooth launch? People use your brains for just one second before thinking about ideas such as this.

they did say they can increase server cap

however, that’s their reasoning for not wanting to do so, i think the game is good and the retainment rate will be high


sounds like a bunch of lame excuses

Wow man, you’re so smart! I bet they never thought of that!

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Actually. That’s not true. At all.

It’s all about phase 2 when layering is removed. If they allow too many people in now, you’ll end up with much higher queues once layering is gone

Blizz confirmed this themselves

Which has little to none to do with server wide caps.

The reddit comment is saying there’s a limit to the number of people crammed into the same tiny area.

They could still greatly increase the server wide population cap still, and greatly increase the amount of layers. Cloud servers are a thing

But, that would be counter intuitive, because Phase 2 won’t have layers. Blizz has stated this…

Right. Don’t increase the server caps, add servers. That will solve the problem of the phase 2 issue and, incidentally, short of Classic imploding, it’s the only solution.

Right, and then when they remove the sharding in phase 2 you’ll have a post on here saying “WHY ARE THERE 12,408 PLAYERS IN ORGRIMMAR I CANT EVEN LOG IN.”

As they stated many times in the past layering isn’t for physical number of players on a server at once. Its to stop 1000’s of players in a small area. The max occupancy of a server is different. Servers are difficult to increase max occupancy and that is why we see them opening more servers. Which in turn can hurt them as when the vacationers and short term players drop off some servers “could” die.

“A car can drive 100 miles. There’s no WAY it can drive another 10! It already drove 100! It’s impossible!”

Live broadcast of launch day on Herod.

Can’t they?

I was under the impression the cap was artificial in order to encourage a spread of the population in order to not disrupt phase 2 no layering.

10 IQ Post.

That’s probably one of the main reasons, also putting too many people on one server can’t be good for a launch experience no matter how many layers you try to put them in. Doing what OP suggested would probably be the dumbest thing you could do.

One of my main concerns is if I play hunter, I want on a server with as many layers as possible. I want to get Broken Tooth asap.

That’s not really how that works.

I have to say, the wide-spread 180 that posts have taken from “LAYERING IS THE WORST” in the months leading up Classic, to now screaming “ADD MORE LAYERS TO FIX HEROD” is absolutely glorious. I wish I could say I was surprised, but the exceedingly loud minority on the wow forums is always so painfully predictable.

But still, that doesn’t take away from my enjoyment of it all.

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I don’t see why not.

Won’t he spawn on each layer?