Let’s all be honest… if Actiblizzion really wants people off Herod, there’s an easy solution…
Make a PvP server with a better name… every other server sounds cheesy…
Examples :
Four Horsemen
Leeroy lol
Patchwerk “Patchwerk wants to play!”
I think Stitches would be the perfect PvP server name… People would leave Herod faster then you could announce it!
The new META PVP Server !
If you want people to leave Herod, an East Coast server, why would you add another West Coast server?
west coast PVP Stitches (west needs another server too as whitemain is full as well)
east coast RP-PVP purgatory (people wanted an EST rppvp server and they need anther server for Harod reduction)
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There are so many people going to sub bang on launch that trust me, neither Blizzard nor even we are prepared for whats coming.
Yes! That’s what I’m talking about but probably just a regular PvE east coast server.
Pay me to leave. Or they could incentivize by providing cosmetic in-game items.
Or if you really want to piss off the elitists, give an “increases XP earned” buff to low population servers when there is a queue on high-popuation realms.
West Coast the best coast baby!
I would leave Herod if Blizzard would release a CST server
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im sorry but names having nothing to do with it… people want to play where the action is… all it took was for some random to announce herod as the “go to” server and people who follow the forums jumped on it because of the info given about the other 2 servers…
i wouldnt care if the server im on is called snuffaluffagus, if its the highest pop pvp server in the time zone best for me. im picking it.
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They picked Herod cause it sounded the coolest… so technically they would be using reverse psychology to bring the masses to another server.
Increase the number of name reservations but leave it 3 per server, you may get them to at least try grabbing names somewhere else that way.
Or start a new server that auto-reserves all the names of all the people who already have them on another server that’s overpopulated (like Herod), but give like a 48 hour period where you have to delete them off of the other server or they will auto-delete off the new one.
That way they don’t just have reservations in both places and you’ll keep a more accurate idea of which places are overcrowded.
what makes herod sound “cooler” than the other 2 east coast servers though… i personally think the masses agree with people like me and just want to play on the most populated server without bull*** streamers who are capable of forming flash mobs to do their bidding in the open world…
i would love to gank assmongold but i know he would have his posse with him 24/7 so the hell with him and his server
Herod is more memorable, everyone remembers killing him in SM.
Did you know there are 4 east coast pvp servers and 2 west coast pvp servers ?
Same with me. Never really cared about server names.
Me too. People want the action. If there is a lot going on, people gravitate to it. It’s not fun to play the game on ghost town servers.
Because more people play on East Coast servers…?
One could assume that…but I personally would be surprised if that were true.
You picked horrible server names.
None of those servers would make me re-roll, from Herod LOL.
LOL Those names were terrible and you left out the best names like “Thrty’min Q” , “WrldSvr Isdwn” and freaking “Kanta Lawgyn”.