Hello, please bring back layering on Herod so us regular Joes can raid with 40 people again.
You guys need to be careful or that guy will come back and start spamming the forums with all their alt’s again and cause a Blue post appear to fix something else within the game!
Whatever helps people have a good time <3
You were warned back in August that Herod would have queues. Either deal with the queues or transfer.
The queues / layering on Herod are no concern to players on Grobbulus.
Sorry that the truth hurts.
Doesn’t change the fact you were warned before Classic even launched.
Irrelevant. Modern problems require modern solutions.
160 mins 8PM EST (server time)
Herod is FULL. The solution is for people to start leaving.
You seem upset someone brought up the topic of bots. Hoping not to get banned? Also nice 255dps in your last BWL.
I don’t bot and have nothing to worry about. I also did much more then 255 dps in BWL last night. Go troll somewhere else.
All you do is post on the forums. You’re not any good at it either.
Try Whitemane… yikes.
Nope, Whitemane has hours long queues as well.
We’re all in this together to get layering back
Layering was temporary. Blizzard said so from the start.
They wont let us transfer, they turned off transfers from the server, the only way is to pay to get off. Paying them money to solve a problem they created, and they can solve on their end through their automated system, seems very wrong.
h t t p s://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/zcvHm63KZPg7a9VF#boss=-2&difficulty=0
My bad. 255.1 Dps.
You were warned before Classic even launched that Herod would have extended queues. Zero sympathy, sorry.