Hero talents? When Where What is WW getting?

As other classes have had full reveals and now even some class changes to make their hero talents more impactful… has anyone even seen what WW monk is getting?

Are we pulling a shadowlands and going into this with NYI talents while everyone else is rocking new stuff?

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Dude, you’re not new to monks or WW. You should know by now that we won’t see the WW talents until a week before they’re put up on the WaWi PTR for testing - which will be a couple of weeks before the pre-patch…


Up our A
Can of Beans

Shaman and demon Hunter haven’t had any info either.

I hope this means monks shamans and aff warlocks are getting a rework since they havnt been revealed yet

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We can wish but sadly I do not think WW will ever get it’s needed rework at this point.

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I have been thinking this is why we haven’t seen anything yet. Getting a rework so the hero talents make sense, right?

I know but I can dream

We got the talents it seems OK I guess

Conduit was the one i was most intrigued with and it does look neat.

It won’t change what you do but i feel there’s at least two things off with it:

  1. I’d be making Celestial Conduit last longer than 4 seconds

  2. I’d make sure the Inner Compass buffs all trigger during the capstone activation and I’d make Inner Compass 5% instead of 3%.