Hero talents look boring

I know that things are subject to change but from what we saw the lanets look boring as heck

8% more efflorecence healing?
3% more healing when treants are out?
1.5% more healing for 10 seconds after treants expire?

These aren’t even good enough to be regular talents, let alone hero talents. These are just conduits 2.0.

I really hope that they Blizzard devs actually make these hero talents worthwhile. I don’t want to wait an entire expansion for 3% more healing


Are they now? Okay.


Well go pay them 90 bucks, get into beta, give them your feedback.


It doesn’t really matter what they put there because just like normal talents it’s an illusion of choice. You’re just going to take whatever the robot tells you does higher damage anyways.


Boomkins with trents that put up moonfire and give Astral Power

Bears with Lunar beams giving massive leach for ALL damage done (not just self) to targets hit.

These two options were shown during blizcon.

They are about adding sub specs giving playstyles that involve the full class, not just specs.

Fury with sub spec of prot could be a bridge to Gladiator spec we saw before

Preservation evoker able to pick up a weaker Ebon Might would be a dream of mine come true

There are so many combos and play styles that could come from this. This has massive potential.


Its important to remember that you will get all ten talent points, which I believe all of them will have 4 choice nodes?

It’s the overall picture.

For example the Keeper of the Grove sounds boring if you isolate the talents one by one. But the full picture is kind of cool, you summon Treants that moon-fire people and amp your own damage on a 60second? cycle.


I love this incredibly naive viewpoint. Its like you haven’t played this game for very long or something.
ANYTHING a Treant is giving has Nothing to do with the player. These are all Passive effects that just simply Happen.
We are already pushing a Treant button if its Talented in. The exact same button press will continue to be had. Each and every single thing that happens after that point is not even paid attention to, you simply continue your normal rotation. Nothing here will change, no new ‘combos’ (this isnt a thing in WoW, no clue what you are going for with this word) are going to be created. Its a mindless passive effect, its Exactly conduits. Its garbage.
Any Single Talent that says “this gives % more damage” is an absolute waste of time. 99% of the playerbase won’t even notice, even if you DID notice, its MINUSCULE at best of a difference. Unlesss the number provided for damage change is Huge, 50% or more, more than likely your rotation won’t change at all. Even if it Did change, its just doing something like instead of ‘1231212123’ its now ‘123123123.’ Its baby stuff, not worth even bothering with.

Hero talents need to be MASSIVELY IDENTIFYING or Do Not Bother.

OP is absolutely correct, these Talents are boring and need a HUGE looking at. Preferably BEFORE the release of alpha.


I’m ok with boring passives. Got plenty of buttons already.


Being able to customize existing talents/skills has potential and I like it. One of the best things about WoD leveling was the leveling perks which gave improved versions of baseline skills of your class/spec.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yeah hero talents look boring, give us a new class and call it a day.

What a way to sell simply increasing talent trees when levels are increasing as an " expansion feature"

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isnt the idea that you would get bonus passive talents normally only on another spec?

you could go with extra bonus to your current spec but the option to get other things might have benefits?

maybe it gets reworded a bit more in testing and we get talents that are more thematic for its name sake. like a Dark Ranger passive ability. or Druid of the Claw, what would that look like?

maybe access to npc buffs or abilities could be interesting if it evolves that way.

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The hero specs are meant to be hybrid

Example Demonology can choose either Diabloist or Soul Harvester.

Diabloist isn’t super demonology it is a mix of demonology and destruction

I hope that they give an active or replace the spell that the hero tree is supposed to improve. Like empowered treants at look more like ancients and have improved effects. I’m brave enough to say I liked the idea of covenant abilities and this seems like a chance to do something similar without ruining them with renown.

i’m more concerned that they will not add anything but more for min-maxers to play with to create the new best build and the “flavor” of play will not be balanced and just be another you run this or you don’t do well

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Booooo :tomato: :tomato: :tomato: :tomato: :tomato: :tomato: :tomato:

Some of my favorite abilities came from shadowlands. Convoke, death chakram, faeline stomp (sorta), abom limb. I like the idea of making cringe and outdated spells like treants fun to play.

Holding my opinion til I see more. The balance and resto one we have seen wasn’t super exciting, but having auto moonfire isn’t nothing, and neither is having a damage healing window with treants. Its impossible to say how impactful hero talents will be until we see more then 1 of 36 trees and the knowledge that warriors get aoe storm bolt.

Druid is a class with a lot of buttons to begin with and its likely similar classes will be getting more passives on average.

Their main point is to be a continuation of spec talents without making the tree bloated.

It looks like they will be based around augmenting a specific ability, and giving passive buffs.

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i think this idea may need some iteration but overall instead of continuously adding talent points to our current tree’s making a secondary tree that we get to spend points in will keep the game healthier rather than what happened at the end of wrath where they had to shrink the tree’s than mop happened.

I just hate how it destroyed class identity.

Demon hunters still overloading themselves with pixie dust for the hunt is so lame

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