Hero talents for what again?

I recall these really being marketed as a grand new way to really define and build class and spec identity either doing something new or something very specific and anybody correct me here, HOW?? These are just auto fill trees with like what 2-3 choice nodes? Other than that yall just told us what were playing without essentially any wiggle room you rework talent trees but then the hero talents force the direction of the tree. Its not even the illusion of choice going on here and im really disappointed with this being the class epicenter of our characters growth.


It’s to give each spec 2 different play styles. It’s pretty straight forward really.


No no you have to explain it like a caveman.

Ooga booga, give different play style, make different build, unga bunga Blizzard no extend talent trees, already big, use Hero Talents make different


Apparently we were only allowed to have real talent trees for one expansion.

Monkey paw Blizzard strikes again!


I’m gonna use this at my work meeting tomorrow when they ask for my input. My boss is gonna die.


{Nods intently & writes down notes urgently}


The current talent trees aren’t going anywhere though. Several of them are being redesigned in fact.

Hero talents are an addition to the talent trees, not a replacement.

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It is covenant 2.0. That is all it is.


Yeah but they are done. As in completed.

Sure if yours happens to be redesigned, you’ll play with it again but it’s not the same as getting fresh points and adding them.

Personally, I think Blizzard screwed up on this. Those of us who wanted the talent trees back wanted them as an evergreen feature, not to be played with for one expansion and then onto a faux-talent tree.

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You get 1 massive play style defining choice and 2-3 smaller choices instead of getting 10 small choices.

It seems like a win to me.

That faux-talent tree is an evergreen feature.

I would rather have the ten small choices and be able to I build my character how I envision them. To each their own :woman_shrugging: .

On the up side, I am a solo player so I can just ignore them if I want to, the same way I would ignore the talent points until several accumulated.

It might even make the World content more challenging!

Lot of Blizzard apologists in here.

Hero Talents are absolutely MoP trees with new seasoning on top. Enough of a flavor difference for certain folks to think it’s amazing. Some of y’all really are gullible.

I don’t care either way. Blizzard has been doing stuff like this Cata. Lot of knee jerk changes that sometimes help, and sometimes hurt the game.

Personally, I’m glad they’re taking risks. Some of you though? Calm down with the blinders. It’s a good change if you liked MoP talents. It’s a bad change if you like DF talents. If you live in a happy place where you think it’s both, you’re seriously just delusional.


The difference for elemental shaman between the fire play style that Farseer supports and the lightning play style that Stormbringer supports is so massive they may as well be entirely different classes.

DF talents are not going anywhere. Why are you people acting like they’re being removed? They aren’t.

Honestly I’ve been more sold on them after seeing them from the alpha. Not all of them are great, but most of what I’ve seen they add some really nice visual flair and interesting tweaks to the spec’s gameplay.

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Even the quote you have from me says nothing about DF talents going anywhere. You literally exposed yourself for putting words in my mouth.

You said it was a change, it is not. DF talent trees are still there they will work the same. That is not changing.

But the implication you are making is that the Hero Talents are somehow replacing the existing talent trees, making them no longer relevant. They aren’t.

In fact some of the Hero Talents enforce specific talent builds to even make sense (like Ret requiring Wake of Ashes despite it technically being optional.

I’d even go as far as to say trying to compare them to the MoP Talent Rows is incorrect, because the Talent Rows were very rigid in what you could pick and greatly reduced the choice of your overall build. But it was still a choice of a build.

The Hero Talents you can select everything except a few choice nodes, which as far as I can tell don’t move the needle all to much. They are more akin to the Artifact Trees than anything else, as everything that’s super important will just be obtained by the end.

i havent seen holy paladins.
is it good?

Eh? /shrug

Currently it’s still attached to the terribly designed Hpal, so from everything I’ve seen, they are alright but they don’t do much to make Hpal feel better to play.

I think Herald of the Sun will be the primary Hpal, just by how literally nobody I can find is every talking about Lightsmith. Which tells me it’s either really that bad or everyone has given up on Hpal.

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