Hero talents are junk

…Holy Gods above and below you are Literally doing mental gymnastics…


A lot of them are just “do your rotation to gain a passive” or change x spell to a more cooler version that does something extra.


You do not need addons, you use them. I can turn off every addon I have and still do what I need to do. (Cept ElvUI. I despise the defualt UI, even with the recent changes).


What exactly do you mean by “quality of life?” I feel like that can mean a lot of different things depending on the spec.

This is all fair, I haven’t read all of the ones they’ve put out because a lot of the specs I’m not familiar enough with to know how the talents interact with the spec as a whole. And while we do have choices, we only have 2 choices, so if you like neither you’re boned. I wouldn’t mind the talent tree on another talent tree so much if the choice didn’t come down to simply which set as a whole you prefer. I would like to be able to opt out of certain talents in favor of something else when if comes to ‘buffing’ or altering spells in ways that aren’t just doing x% more, or related to cooldowns, or gives a buff of a certain stat.

Something I don’t like about the Dark Ranger tree is that you’re forced to have a single target snare (that’s determined by distance, not you) attached to your disengage. While that wouldn’t be to bad in solo situations, I can see it potentially being annoying in group content.

Completely proves the point. Unnecessary increases to particular specs that are just bloat and a ton of reading.


I’ll sleep better knowing that if I’m stuck with a bloated mess of a hybrid spec, so is everyone else.

I am not impressed with the hero talent system presented thus far.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


the warlock meta in classis is better a better representation of a hero class than all of this. It actually does something different with a cool change to the class. The death knight was suppose to be the games first hero class and was truly a different dps/tank than everything available. They needed to make a warrior or paladin be able to choose this as a hero.

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I agree this looks like crap so far


Therein lies the issue. Blizz, in their infinite ignorance, named them and then people read into things and made up their own expectations.

Had they not been named Hero Talents we wouldn’t have this issue.


To further elaborate as to why I do not find the hero talent system inspiring is that it is more debuffs and buffs to track. The modern game has plenty of complexity through the DF talent revamp which is fine to me.

The entire point of the unpruning and moving away from rental systems was to be able to stick to class and spec fantasies once more.

Supposedly this hero talent system is going to be evergreen but with the way they are designed it does not look like it all.

So let the covenant and azerite armor comparisons commence.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Instead of new talents they could just fix the cluster fudge they created with DF. Not like folks are gonna quit if they add nothing new anyways.


Yep, the dragonflight talent trees were definitely not asked for. People liked to hybrid talents from the different subclasses already in game. Like frost/fire mage. Or a more tanky dps. There is no “choice” in the trees. You are pigeonholed with the talents that blizzard wants to give you as opposed to previous iterations where you chose.

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I thought they removed damage portion from Shifting Power?

I find that Rogues, Warlocks and Hunters have plenty of active and passive talents to engage on a level of complexity that each player is comfortable with through the DF talent system.

That is why the DF talent system was a step in the right direction.

The problem with Hero talents is that there are so many passive talents that add modifiers that you need to have addons to keep track of or it seems that way.

Personally I feel that WoW retail on a complexity scale of 1 through 10 is right now around an 8 which is well above average from lets say WotLK which is more like a 6. But hero talents will make it hard even for those that like juggling a lot of plates or it seems that way.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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I do not. Rogues should be able to choose which talents they wish to use from each of the 3 specs.

Warlocks should be able to mix demonology with affliction, not be predetermined.

Hunters, I don’t even know where to start here. Exotic pets!!! First, order of business. Beast master beasts should have been high specced #1. The class lost it’s identity. And, you should be able to choose between ranged and melee skills or a mix of bombs and gun or beast and bomb.


The complexity in the game has everything to do with what addons you choose to hold your hand. Those with the better addons will succeed easier than those without. Those with addons will have less carpal tunnel.

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I’ll take removing Death and Decay for 500! Oh…they added more nonsense to it…Welp…LFR will do 0 deeps and my class is wonky but bring me anyways!

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Hero talents should be called boring talents. They could have add it to the actual talents and nobody would cares, only the typical discussion about the balance, but now, they doesn’t feel like we’re doing something special or shocking to be called “Hero talents”.

Hero talents = 1 spell or passive and more damage/heal/mitigation.


… Did you even read what I said?

You literally could plug these talent trees in as they are, and minus a couple of specs getting an extra button it’s all passive and pretty much happening while you continue playing the way you were going to play to begin with. Did you read what I even typed?

I’m confused as to what you want. Do you want hero specs to drastically alter every single aspect of your gameplay, or do you want them to be mostly free passive bonuses tailored to a given playstyle within your spec?

Right now from what we’ve got to work off of, it’s very much the second of these two options.

This is a funny, if stupid take.


My decision not to pre-order seems better and better after seeing their first iteration of Rogue talents lol.

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