Hero Talent Trees coming in WW and some heavy concerns

So I am coming at this from a DK perspective as its the only class I have really played to any higher extent in the game for a while, but I am lead to believe that Paladins are also in a similar boat to us. I may have also missed a similar topic to this but in my quick search I didnt see one, and I know there should be one.

Mandl has an extensive writeup on just how off the wall this new tree is going to be for Blood DK and going into an In-Depth analysis of basically every aspect of how it will play out for us.

From what I have seen from the Unholy end of things this sentiment is echo’d with them as well. We are being put into an extremely unhealthy box of relying on a single Cooldown to make it all function as more than a clunky mess. Blood in particular is going to be shoved into an even smaller box as our talent “choices” will become obsolete and choice will be removed. You WILL run Vamp Blood talents because its too oppressively strong not to.

This goes against turning defensive GCD’s into offensive ones. This goes against basically everything said in the past for gameplay styles and unhealthy gameplay loops. Please revisit this tree and remove any dependence on a cooldown making it function, be that Vamp Blood, Dark Transformation or any other CD we have in the arsenal.