Hero Talent Idea- Thunderfists

I really would have loved to see a theme built around this. Take away the statues and summons and let us manifest our chi with lightning.

Instead of statues let us envlope our bodies or fist in lightning, when we strike some one we get a bonus to the damage. I feel there is alot of ways to play into this.

What do you all think ? Good theme or not really ?


Would be neat, it’s a bit shaman like but there’s only so many ways to go with it.

I was thinking about different effects from self casts. Like if you cast Crackling Jade Lightning on yourself, CJL has an extended CD, but all your abilities have a chance of knock back or extra DMG idk. Different selfcast effects for chi burst or chi wave would be cool too, and could be lightning oriented I guess.

As long as we get rid of statues aka poor man totems and get ride of summons aka poor man locks.

I can support this. And Kharazim from d3 and heroes of the storm has a thunderfist ability that charges his attacks with lightning damage.


I feel like we have this already in Thunderfist, but it’s just very underdeveloped. Kind of the same case with Emperor’s Capacitor.

I like the theme, but we just need to improve what we already have.

Yeah, we definitely need something. I really dont want more staues or summons :frowning:

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Unfortunately the statue and summons are mandatory for brewmaster in PvP in order to prevent capture of bases. If they were to remove them entirely without adding an ability that does the same job, I fear it would be a long long time before ever solving that particular issue.

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I would love more leaning into the lightning aspect of things, but basing things on Thunderfists would mean they really need to improve the frequency that WW uses its AutoAttacks, which hasn’t really changed in a decade.


Ooo honestly i just ment more like animations and theme, i honestly am pretty new to the monk, so i didnt know thunderfists was an accutal ability.

I saw strike of the windlord and was like " you know be kind of neat if you threw alittle lightning in there lol"

Well i learned something new today :slight_smile: thanks :slight_smile:

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We just need a better way to spend all the Thunderfist charges faster.

I’ve seen several people put forth ideas of giving us an attack speed buff after FoF finishes casting. Personally, I’ve put forth the idea of “Rolling Thunder” where we discharge all charges of Thunderfist over either everything we roll over or the first target we go through with roll.

Please god no, we had this back in Legion with Chi Torpedo and people disliked it so much they gave it to DH and called it Momentum.

Wait was it Chi Torpedo discharged Thunderfist charges specifically or did Chi Torpedo just still have damage in Legion? Because I agree with the latter sucking (I thought they got rid of it at the end of WoD), but I don’t remember the former being a thing.

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Chi Torpedo was just a few massive damage hits and to even get them all to hit and not fly through the target you had to jump cancel it.

It was clunky and kinda dumb. But man it was fun in pvp, FoF into a leg sweep into a jump canceled chi torpedo and they would be dead.

Statues are one too many summons, I’ll agree there. Lightning seems cooler

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Honestly what is really bothering me is this:

We have some classes already get some more rework done on their hero talents. Which is great they are listening to feed back (gold star for listening to it)

What isnt fair is many classes dont even have a clue what hero talents they are getting. Which leaves us at a disadvantage once again.

Classes that already have their trees get to voice perspectives and get a head start on sending feed back, and voice their hopes for reworks.

While the rest of us get to keep waiting, and waiting, to see what ours we be. again, while others get a second passes or even a third ( possibly) before we get to even have any idea what ours will be.

I dont know i just feel it would be more fair that before any hero talents get further work, you get everyone’s elses out first. Then everyone has simlair amount of time to place feed back.

And since it is not imperative for reworks right now for hero talents, then getting each classes out first should be their focuas.

It Just seems certain classes are going to be left behinde, and i have a funny feeling monks will be one of them.

Let us WW monks become lightning benders !!

I know it sounds alot like Enhn shaman to be like that. But shaman commands the elements to harm the enemy.
Whereas, WW Monk will be blessed by the Tiger and become one with the lightning as Avatar of Xuen as Lightning Benders. Would be sick to throw fists and kicks imbuned with Lightning.
I have no idea how that would afftect the AoE lol i just like the esthetics.

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I would like some kind of hard hitting linear strike punch. Like you hit the main target then it goes through them in a line, and maybe the last target gets hit the hardest.

In a single target fight it can synergize off other skills to hut primary target just as hard.

Graphically I’d like it to be like a ghostly image of the monk that passes through the mobs.

Oh ya! I love this idea for theme. I don’t care at all that it’s creeping into ele sham territory. Or maybe lean into the AVATAR fantasy and have us use some of each of the four elements. Shadow pan seems meh… we’ll see.