Heritage Weapon Transmog?

Blizzard, please roll out Heritage Weapons for each race next!

Make them all good this time, though-not just some of them :wink:


I thought about it, and I decided that I almost like this idea - but I really want Void Elves to have a bad Heritage Weapon, so I disagree.

Haha, they can have a bad one that’s fine. The rest have to be good though

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They sorta have been, we just got the Void Elf weapons from the 10.2.7 questline, Dark Irons had an extra questline for a 1h axe, 2h mace/staff, and shield, Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, and Undead have their Warfront gear, etc.

There are a few cases where they could stand to add more (Trolls getting just a 2h sword was kind of eh, Tauren got a totem from that Baine questline, and Blood Elves only got an updated Ranseur, not even like, the SMC guard’s tower shield)

Technically, the lightforged ones exist. You get em from doing I think all of the Argus rares.

A little miffed they never added the “translucent light” shield some of the mobs have, and the spear/staff of the Light’s Chosen.


Tis quite the epic looking shield. Ngl.

We need all the Heritage set recolors that exist too.

Wow wow wow wow! We still need the best race to get their heritage armor :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face:

And I guess the new lizard guys too :lizard:

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