Heritage Armors and Class Transmogs

Returning Player here. Loved the heritage armor proposal! we need more!
I liked the level 50 afordability , but we could have more challenging transmogs like the order hall in legion when each set piece is required a particular requisite.
And we need more Kul tiran style coats!

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I believe there are class weapons coming soon in 10.1 but it’s not known how it’ll be accessed. :thinking:

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i’ll one up this and say we also need more Heritage weapons! Some races don’t have enough weapons for all of their class combinations, and it is sad to see!


Found out first hand if you boosted a blood elf character before WoD but never level capped it in every following expansion, you could get it to level 50 and exalted and it would still unlock the heritage quest.

So guess there IS a scenario in which you can boost a character and still get the heritage armor.

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There was nothing challenging about the Order Hall mogs. They were just time gated piece by piece to keep you subbed over several months. That’s literally it… What are you even talking about? That was one of the most stupid ways to unlock a set ever.

I 100% prefer to just unlock something that belongs to a race/class in its entirety after a rep grind or something. Raid tier, dungeon tier, PvP etc those are all unlocked over time. There’s even tedious world quests and stuff that do what you’re asking. It doesn’t need to be done w/ heritage gear. They have a rep/level req, and then a story quest chain which is perfect.

All races can be boosted for heritage armor expect the allied races. You can boost/race change/faction change, doesn’t matter. You can even boost/race change into a blood elf, unlock your stuff, then race change that same character into and orc, goblin etc and unlock all of the heritage stuff on that 1 single toon. You still keep all of the sets you’ve unlocked. It’s always been that way.

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Wishfully Khaz Algar’s encounter offers some dwarven weapons with the heritage tone. :crossed_fingers:


I didn’t expressed myself fully. The class halls from legion are very grindy (exalted in the nightfallen faction for the shoulder piece specially) but the concept could be improved. I like to acquire my pieces , just logging in and have a cool transmog doesn’t give me much incentive to play the game. but its just me i guess.

I believe more sets for transmogs also would be nice.