Heritage Armor

Hello everyone! I want to know when Pandaren and Dracthyr get their own heritage armor. Pandaren heritage is long overdue. Dracthyr need their own as well. These two races I love the most and cannot wait! Where my Pandaren and Dracthyr folks at? :slight_smile:


They haven’t announced it yet.

Hopefully in the new few expansions!


If the dracthyr heritage armor doesn’t come with new unlocked armor customizations for the lizard form too we’ll know they really have given up on it.


Pandaren had an entire expansion of armor based on their heritage, they don’t need something explicitly called “heritage armor” tbqh.

Watch the heritage armor just be the built-in armor but now you’re Visage form can wear it.

Yeah they do, we’ve been over this. It’s not just the armor, it’s the questline that provides a glimpse at how their culture is doing in the current era. Also generic Pandaria armor doesn’t count for them any more than the Warfront sets counted for humans, orcs, NE, or Forsaken.

They deserve an exclusive set, and they’ll get it eventually.


Exactly, and worth mentioning how Pandaria largely has the old armor designs, before they started adding more complex 3D modeling to everything.

Which only happened around Legion.

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Silly lizard, Dracthyr can’t wear armor.


whatever dracthyr get i just know its gonna be the coolest shoulders and belt out there


I just hope there are at least 3-4 different colors for the Pandaren heritage when it comes!


Probably in the expansion or two after TLT so 2030s at the soonest.

I’m still surprised that we didn’t get Pandaren heritage armor alongside the MoP Remix.

As for Dracthyr, I hate to say it, but since they didn’t get heritage armor when they were released, I wouldn’t be surprised if they never get it. Be nice to get a Blue confirmation of that one way or the other, though.


I mean…wouldn’t that be a good thing? That way they can use it in both forms, instead of just being relegated to shoulders and belt in their dragon form.

If Dracthyr get one it should be after pandaren or hey do them both at the same time like how they did Draenei and troll in the same patch. Can even do like they did with earthen heritage for pandaren where it’s the same armor for both but different colors based on faction. Same can be done with Dracthyr but I’d love to see the dragon form actually able to wear and show more than just belt and shoulders if they’re going to be so stubborn about visage race options

Players repeatedly aren’t asking for the questline though, they’re asking for the armor.

Also I absolutely count the warfront armor, in the same way I counted the cosmetic sets from the Dwarven Bunker / War Mill as Human/Orc sets. They are sets fixated on the historic aesthetics of a single race, you can pound sand about it all you like but they fill the same role.

And yet, all four races got heritage armor. So you can just keep being wrong if you want.


They really should have someone working on getting all armor to show on Drakthyr’s natural form. For a game of such a scope, not having visible armor really shows it’s going downhill, even if it’s not. It’s just not a good look for the game.


Maybe one year. When they get de4ath knights and druids

Wait wait wait… say whaaaaaaat?! :open_mouth:

Is this confirmed or a hypothetical?

Did… did you read that entire post, or…?