Heritage Armor

Find me something other than the Vulp head wrap or pimp hats/crowns that Vulps can wear that cover the head without atrocious ear clipping

Anything that covers their head is gud enough to me.

Yes, but we can hope that it means they are still working on the rest and won’t forget.

It did just occur to me that if I have to buy Dragonflight in order to get the rest of the set I am going to be pissed, but I can live with it.


I will admit its not quite as flashy as some of the heritage armor sets are.

Why would we want to cover our heads though?
Theyre too awesome to hide away.

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I really like the pack from the Vulpera set, but I use one of the Legion pvp sets for the balance.

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All the raid tiers!

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Warfronts gave alot of Human/Orc and Undead/Nelf gear so I assume those 4 races will be last.

Regular trolls and Draenei are prob next if I had to guess

FOr 2 races that already have a heritage armor

There are a lot of races that have not even gotten 1 Heritage Armor


Heritage armor is meant for a specific race . Warfront armor can be used for any race in the faction


blizzard really milking out that blood elf fandom huh…?


Yeah just another thing for the Helfers to make a demand for

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think i can use a frostmourne replica too keep em quiet?

A ball gag and duct tape couldn’t keep them quiet

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Pro tip Blizz. Spend less time on stupid systems nobody wants and you may have time to Heritage Armor out.


recolors do not count lmao

pretty sure that’s a dreadmoon surprise…
provided if the rubber chicken is used or not that is.

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I doubt that, i think the last round of heritage armor capped at the pre current expac level.

Someone on Reddit cobbled a really cool NE set. It’s no HA, but it’s incredible.


This will do until we get our actual Heritage Set for Nelves! Ty for sharing!