Here's how you get more tanks

dont worry I know that too well. But dont pretend it’s not easier when tanks actually know what they’re doing to a tank underpull and found you need so much count at the end of the dungeon

If you look me up I main a tank. It’s the groups job to learn the dungeon. But it more so for tanks since it will make or break the run.

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To be fair, it depends on the context.

Say that in a mythic 10 plus… Slightly understandable.
Heroic dungeon, I would tell them to pound sand.

Imo bring back 12 hr BRD crawls.

That is how u get tanks happy!

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Is it though?

That’s any role though.

The game is giga-easy when you have a god healer and can double pull every pack set.

When you have DPS that have every kick on lockdown, use their CC utility to keep the packs perma stunned while doing 100k DPS.

tanks too.

It happened in a BFA dungeon a few times. Like what?

Was that in a Normal/Heroic/M0?

Normal, just basic dungeons. Some while leveling.

I mean every day I have at least one jerk I encounter. Some days it’s 0 and some days it’s 2… but on average.

Who cares that’s the Internet.

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Gotcha. People are weird.

If you ever want a healer to protect you from the dummies though, feel free to add me to btag Joanna#1419

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that’s true. But try running w/ 3 decent dps, a good heal and a clueless tank.

They need to add more tanks without adding more tank classes, make it so that demo locks can be legit tanks, maybe even a hunter spec too, so long as the traditionally dps spec that can now tank has its damage sufficiently gimped so they don’t turn into god specs.

There’s an addon out there:

X Practice is a raid practice addon. It uses World of Warcraft’s built-in ModelScene widgets to create a virtual 3D environment where you can practice selected boss mechanics by yourself (or in a group!) without worrying about wiping the raid.

We should convince that person to make X-Practice dungeons without mechanics just with mobs standing there :+1: Because there’s no way for an individual to practice routes.


I’m not aware of what the talent trees will look like, but at a guess I’m going to say blood, brew, dh will probably start off strong (not necessarily dps wise, but just strong tanks) Paladin I’m unsure of and guardian/warrior might be in trouble. Bear dps tends to stink and their legendaries/artifacts have done a lot of the heavy lifting in the last few expansions. Warrior seems to yoyo between gods and children in strength

I don’t use any game addons, expect roleplay ones. I believe in the old fashion way of learn it by doing it way. Thank you though.

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It’s been tried. Ff14 is a great example. Tanking is brain dead easy and there’s still a shortage.

Adding more tank specs to classes won’t help either because the people that like to tank are already doing so.

To help increase tanks that join pugs though, people need to be less toxic and the rewards for healers and tanks need to be increased. Give them a chance for mount drops or cosmetics or something as incentive.

I tank for pugs because I don’t really have time anymore for a guild. But if a pug is toxic, which honestly happens not that often for me, I’ll drop and leave them to find another tank.

Ain’t nobody got time for that! :smile:


In my experience as a tank in ff14 it’s more of a healer shortage.

Tanks still have really short queue times

The main difference I would argue is that because most of Ff14 is so easy, there’s no need to rage so people are generally nicer to others, more difficult content and people’s real personality begins to show

They will also bring down the ban hammer if you do that as well, so even if people wanted to blame the tank they won’t for fear of getting banned

Yes we do :slight_smile: