Here's hoping blizzard fix's their biggest mistake when going into MOP classic

Lets hope Blizzard keeps to talent trees going into MOP classic - shadowlands classic. Since that crappy MOP talent system was one of Blizzards BIGGEST mistakes they ever made (prob. biggest mistake next to command tables and some raid teirs lasting more then 5 months <some cases over 1 year>) and took them 4 expantions to realize it and give use the awesome talent system we have in Dragonflight.

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Nah. The Pandaria talents actually gave significant options, and changing them would require massive rebalancing of the entire game to account for a new dozen boring but mandatory “increase x stat by 1%” talents


100% this, abandoning the talent tress was part of the reason I quit back then.


While I generally prefer interesting* talent trees over the relatively bland “trees” (in name only) of most of the more recent xpacs, I’d hardly call that their “biggest” mistake. Or even much of a mistake at all for that matter.

An obviously bigger mistake is the automatic level scaling of mobs. (A nice idea, but dire unintended consequences.)

*By “interesting” I’m basically calling out that talent trees can be ruined if handled carelessly. I.e. in such a way that there are obvious “good” vs. “bad” talents making people run for a limited selection of cookie-cutter builds.

Regardless, there’s no chance of them changing something so fundamental. It would be like overlaying MoP content onto a different version of the game. Yes, they do that with every new expansion, but it always drains the older expansions of features as they simply cut things out that no longer work. It might not be as bad for MoP as it would for say Legion. But the point is that kind of exercise will either take a lot of effort, or a lot of culling.

MoP talents were actually really good.
It was Legion and forward that they changed the interesting options the pandaria talents brought in MoP.

Yes. It’s less interesting, but the options back in MoP were HUGE, they changed your gameplay 180


The talent system in MoP I can deal with, it’s losing shaman’s totems in mop that bugs me.

As for the dragon flight talents, no thank you. That’s one of the biggest turn offs retail has for me. That talent system is too much. If you want to play competitively you don’t have any choices, you just have to import a spec from wowhead and move on. So what’s the point in that beastly burden of a talent tree? To make newcomers not want to bother with it?

The classic talent tree’s make sense. The MoP Talent Trees make sense. The dragon flight talent trees? Pass.

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Are we thinking practically here? I feel like we’re not understanding the complications that would arise from sticking to a talent tree in MoP. So many alterations would need to happen from a design and a rotational level for this to work, and at that point it wouldn’t even be MoP Classic. It would be like MoP season of discovery or MoP classic+.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the MoP talent system in relation to how classes were designed then. It actually offered more flexibility and convenience with unique playstyles. Sure, talent trees offered more options overall and felt more holistic, but the MoP talent redesign was not bad in any way because it was specifically condensed so it would compliment the class design + mechanics.


sir this is the classic forums, of course we don’t think practically here. they don’t care how hard it would be to actually make that swap all they know is that the MoP-SL talents are “retail” so that means they’re bad and have to go. they just assume a flip is switched and the problem is solved

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I remember being outraged when they removed the talents back in MoP. Since getting them back the whole system seems kinda pointless. Everyone just follows some cookie cutter spec anyhow and I’d rather have no choice than a non choice with some of the worthless talents that are mandatory.


I wouldn’t count on it. While I prefer the more vanilla to Cata style trees… some people that are super fans of MoP would be highly disappointed in such a big edit. I got my games… they should get theirs…

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SOD is where they will experiment.

Classic is for replaying the expansions as they were.


I like the talent trees in DF. I like the talent trees from vanilla through Cata as well. With that being said, I actually think the MoP → SL era trees are better. I know. Blasphemy.

There is a big illusion of choice with the old trees. Sure, you can get creative, but most of the times the “route” you take is very obvious. Vanilla had some unique specs like HotW Druid but overall, I don’t think the trees really do much.

Much prefer swapping around between the new ones. They generally offer more choice, and swapping them around for different encounters has always been something I’ve appreciated.

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I doubt there will be anymore Classic released beyond Cataclysm. I was shocked Classic Cata was even a thing. What’s the point? All that stuff is still in the game. Same with MoP and beyond. There’s no point in doing Classic versions of these expansions. Thus… the Remix modes.

relevance of the content, class balance, class design, the ability to get things that were missed out on such as achievements, going forward into Pandaria you’ve got the legendary cloaks, SoO heirlooms, brawler’s guild…

just to name a few things. I could go on


Well… apart form things they removed because it was either considered trivialised by OP characters, or didn’t work with mechanic changes.
As a prime example, all the 25gp grey rewards in Legion content would like to say “hi”.

what was the point in TBC and Wrath Classic? after all they haven’t been touched in retail so just go log onto retail and play them again.


The point is I want to play

Blizzard has a year to do so, so they better get to it.

Nah. They don’t

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exactly… these people are insufferable