The Golden Eyes are a result of the Sunwell’s new state of existence. The Green eyes were the result of exposure to Fel which was used by Rommath and his Magisters in the reconstruction of areas of Silvermoon City, and Quel’Thalas. Green eyes are a mark of Sin’dorei, as it affects those Thalassian Elves who were either draining Fel Magic in Outland to sustain themselves (the followers of Kael’thas), or those in Quel’Thalas who identify as Blood Elves as per Kael’thas’ decree.
In this light, the Fel green eye color is indeed, symbolic. It’s a mark of their allegiances, of their loyalty to one another and to Quel’Thalas. No Blood Elf ever apologized for the color of their eyes. It is a mark of a dark chapter in the history of Quel’Thalas, and more than that, of getting through that dark chapter together.
Golden Eyes are a recent development with the Blood Elves and is linked to their relationship with the Sunwell. It’s particularly prominent amongst Blood Elves whom draw on the Light within the Sunwell, such as the Blood Knights.
So, to summarize the point I had early, for Sylvanas to be a living individual again and have Blue Eyes would cause her to stand out from other Sin’dorei. Personally I think it is within her character to attain Green Eyes as a symbolic action, showing her unity with the Sin’dorei. I also don’t see her as the sort to start wielding the Light a whole lot to develop golden eyes.
Also, yes, I’m aware any Blood Elf can have Golden Eyes, even Warlocks. The fact that not all do suggests (though does not prove) that it is something primarily attributed to those who wield the Light. Lor’themar, despite having a newly updated model, still has Fel green eyes, as an example. Rommath’s eyes have not changed either. If the Regent Lord of Quel’Thalas, as well as the Grand Magister (two individuals with complete access to the Sunwell) do not have Golden Eyes, we can only draw one of two conclusions.
By not wielding the Light they wouldn’t develop Golden Eyes as quickly as the likes of Liadrin.
They chose to maintain their green eyes for some reason that has not yet been revealed. I can’t really think of one which isn’t rooted in symbolism. Who knows though? Maybe we’ll learn all Blood Elves with golden eyes view the world through a urine colored lens.
Thanks for the responses. I see alot of good points.
I don’t think I explained her “revelation” very well. Self preservation is still a part of her actions. But now the idea is she can save herself by “being good.” For her. Which would mean doing everything she (and only she) can. Now she just carries the weight of guilt with it: she may need to have an emotional resurrection in the process come to think of it.
You may be right that the horde, npcs or players, just cant reconcile her actions. I’m just trying to find a possible route. Someone more creative may have a better one. and there may not be one for alot of people.
Speaking of resurrection:
I thought this was an interesting idea too.
Honestly, the endstate I’m going for is that the faction war does not really end, maybe just cools down a bit. Maybe something like the end of the Korean War, resulting from the aforementioned “bigger threat” being the reason.
Honestly, I can see peace being made with any other Horde leader, and I don’t want peace. I want war in my Warcraft. Lots and lots. That’s why I’d keep her as Warchief.
You are correct. As much as it pains me as an Alliance loyalist, I felt like story wise this would make the most sense. The horde spent the bulk of this expansion dealing with twists and turns, and in the end they may not win, but its a small victory that they come out of it. It gives the Alliance a chance for some internal conflict.
People need to branch out to other Blizzard titles, or look closely to WoW itself even. Nothing Sylvanas has done, in intent or action, compares to likes of StarCraft’s Sarah Kerrigan, or even Warcraft’s Illidan. Spoiler, both are “redeemed”.
I know a lot of people care about Sylvanas and want to see her mature as a character, (and that can happen) but repairing the Horde’s identity matters more than that.
The Horde needs to display their moral fiber by running Sylvanas out of the faction and once again defending their values of honor, freedom, spirituality, and brotherhood. Then she can go off on her own adventure, better develop, and either become a world character or re-enter the Horde in an Alliance of convenience next expansion (which I hope is Shadowlands.) People that sided with her over Saurfang can even get unique quests to watch it happen.
It’s important that the Horde story once again focuses on the Horde as a faction. Not Sylvanas, to the detriment of everyone else. The Horde story should not revolve around Sylvanas. It shouldn’t be one long arch about killing her, and it shouldn’t be one long arch about her overcoming her maniacally evil nature.
It’s time for us to regain our moral parity with the Alliance and regain the identity we were originally advertised in WC3 and Vanilla. We don’t need the narrative to be dominated by Sylvanas.
I think your problem is right here: the Horde will never, ever be given ‘moral parity’ with the Alliance in WoW as long as the two factions are defined as opposing each other, because a by-now-essential component of the default Alliance RP-experience is being morally correct and just and a defender of the rightful and good places in the world whose destruction would be a fundamental tragedy.
As long as the Alliance experience is written in that manner, any enemies the faction has MUST be written as horrible and/or fundamentally and deeply misguided, and any actions taken against the Alliance as morally illegitimate. Essentially, you’re not getting a moral Horde until they either remove faction pvp from the game or revise the core faction fantasies of 'exotic weird folk that ain’t normal*’ and ‘normal good protagonist people who are always correct’.
*May or may not also contain several subsets of racist stereotypes.
Even if Blizzard tries to give moral parity to the Horde it won’t work.
There is just too much crap on the Horde’s track record to even remotely pretend they are moral, just and good.
The Horde to me is a totalitarian organization under a tyrant dubbed as Warchief and the only thing pushes them forward is supermacy over others and self-interest.
Why would the Horde canonically take down Ghuun? Well because it would be a threat. And those get removed.
Horde doesn’t need moral parity because they are not moral. They just have a this loose unspecific concept of honor among some of its races that may come off as some sort of moral compass.