It’s not up to us to come up with a working solution. As customers, we can tell them where we think things are going wrong and why and how they make us feel bad.
This game is about feelings.
You shouldn’t. If they did actual marketing research they wouldn’t have so many tone-deaf disasters.
Nobody asked for this. Nobody asked for azerite armor or for character-bound essences.
It’s clear it’s supposed to be an addon talent system based on grinding.
By the time they present us with these things they are written in stone and will not be changed. The blizzard dev team is incapable of considering player preferences during development. They are also incapable of responding to issues in a timely manner. That’s their industry reputation.
I’m not understanding. If they system is rotten to the core, why is it an unreasonable demand to criticize it and get changes that will make it fun to play, rather than an onerous chore intended to block us from gameplay and then blame us for making the wrong choice?
Yeah, people refuse to put on an act and pretend to be having fun to make you happy.
I cannot agree more with all of this! The game has become something completely different than what it was when I started playing. Every expansion, we have to relearn our classes. Every expansion they bring more lore breaking content in and drop existing storylines like they do not matter.
I am tired of it, and I keep telling myself to quit and look for another game. I have not yet bought the expansion. I do not like what I see so far. Too many changes and too much effort to please some people and never enough effort to make everyone happy. Maybe that is too much to ask, I know, but dang it, every time new content drops I now cringe at what we are given, and I used to look forward to it!
It’s amazing Blizzard could see the reaction to account bound essences and the surge in players and alts (at least in my guild) and still actively ignore player feedback/outcry.
My best time in BFA I feel is still gonna be 8.3 for me. Finally, with all the systems together, my class start to feel good. Taking a break during bod up to 2 months before 8.3 was worth for me. Moreover, I started to play alts since they fixed those essences to be more accoubnt wide.
I would just like the start of the expansion to feel like that. If we had essences (yes account wide) and no titanforging (not gonna say to have corruption at the start), my opinion about this expansion could have been a lot more different.
It’s not really prone to. They could try to make it better, but I’m not sure people would like it better xd
blizzard are still drunk off their peak fame and prestige that ended 10 years ago and are delusional thinking they are gods of the gaming industry and then reforged happened LOL
I had a pretty serious learning disability when I was young.
I think it still follows me around, and in cases like this holds me back.
I believe my thoughts on this are logical.
I feel like I KNOW they are, because when I discuss this with people I play the game with we have a good conversation about it.
Some points get made, others get rejected and in the end we learn from each other’s perspectives.
But when I try to help people learn about other perspectives on topics here, it just automatically gets shut down.
To me, its all obvious and I do genuinely feel that a lot of people are just over worrying about some things, or hoping on the hate train or whatever else.
Its tough, because I love helping people, and after 15 years of investment in this game’s community, I feel like I have been a capable source.
But not here. Once people are sure they dislike something, that’s it.
Its best to just not even try, because no matter what you post they are going to go out of their way to tear it apart and call you names.
Its a tough thing to be a part of, honestly.
I don’t agree with things, I want to voice my opinion and maybe help some one on the fence see things a different way, but it always ends this way.
I think opinions are great, but that goes for all opinions. I’ve read your posts and I can see where you’re coming from and I personally disagree, but your posts come across like you can’t see where others responses come from.
For what it’s worth I don’t think folks would shoot you down if you didn’t preemptively shoot their opinions down.
Gotcha, ya I understand that.
I feel like I don’t do that, but I must.
I think the difference is most of the time when I am commenting on these threads its the like 10th or 11th time I have already discussed it.
I have already been through a lot of the base discussion, so its something that I tend to just look over.
Because of that, I can’t see where other people’s responses are coming from on this topic.
I have already had this conversation with people in various other places and we have all came to agree that the system will depend on certain things, will have pitfalls, but will be an interesting concept worth exploring because for the first time ever, we will be uniquely identified by a core decision in this game OTHER than which faction we picked.
It would be, by now, dozens of hours of discussion that I am entering the conversation with.
A friend of mine always says I try to break up a riot with an example of why the riot is bad.
Its a logical perspective to take if everyone was equally logical.
But this is not the case. Many people are not interested in having their mind’s changed.
They just want to vent their frustration and move on.
I genuinely want to help people understand the issue, but that isn’t what they want, and I am not good enough at it anyway to make it work through only text.
But you say that about pathfinder when there was pretty much no word about them not giving us flying until they finally admitted there would be no flying and then people went crazy because of their lack of communication over it. People had been flying for years and years and just like they, Blizzard coyly decided to do away with it while saying, well, Idk when it will happen…“months later” it isnt happening. Now why is everybody so upset!!!
Their lack of communication hurt them there. Just like their lack of listening to the player base has hurt them the past expansions. They know what they want, but what they want does not line up with what we want as a whole.
The people posting here are also people too with different opinions. Maybe the folks you spoke to already don’t share the same opinion, but that doesn’t make that stance the correct one just because it came first.
I personally feel like the system has some very obvious flaws, and I have since it was announced at blizzcon, and it’s only been reaffirmed by what I have seen recently announced – especially when holding blizz’s track record of these types of system against the information we have. I’m not trying to change your mind, but discussions are a two way street.
Im sorry, but azerite armor was terrible. The fact that you are even saying people just thought it did when IT ACTUALLY DID SUCK is crazy stuff. We knew it was bad. We all did. Down to the core of it, that system was so bad and how they handled how it unlocked was bad and how they handled how different roles used it was bad. I was spending so much gold a week to play two different specs when all I had to do the last expansion was hit a button and my gear changed to the dps or tank set. IT sucked. WE knew it sucked. Dont get mad at us because we told you it did.
The “two way street” thing is what I was trying to explain.
I have already been down these roads quite a few times so I guess I tend to try to speed through them.
That’s my issue in the end.
All I know is its crazy how hyped I get when I talk about Shadowlands and the stuff they have announced elsewhere, and how often I see the exact opposite here.
Its hard to fully understand, honestly.
It literally keeps me up at night, trying to do so.
That’s because you hang out and play with people who are like yourself, who agree with you.
This is an open forum. People come from a lot of different backgrounds. They play the game in different ways and for different reasons.
A system that is tailor made to help you is going to hurt the majority, most of whom play nothing like you.
There is no place for casuals in Shadowlands. That’s going to be a big problem for the game.
“8.3 is the alpha for shadowlands” is what I’ve been saying. In 8.3 there is no content for casuals. Even old content has had rewards nerfed so casuals who do not want to do difficult content like horrific visions get less usable gear.
I would be concerned if I were you about what’s going to happen when a lot of casuals decide there’s nothing in shadowlands for them.
If you say so.
That’s the problem I was just explaining with the Monk poster.
Everyone I talk to off the forums feels a different way than everyone around here does.
Its like I’m interacting with two different communities at times, and its hard to not feel a bit maddening.
All I know is it seems like more people dislike things than like things and less and less people are willing to explore what they might like.
I learned a lot about this by accident a few weeks ago, and how its actually a function of our body’s neurochemical transmitters being overloaded with gratification from easy sources that are all around in 2020.
I guess I’m just the one sap who is spending his time trying to help others find enjoyment rather than off enjoying his own life instead.
That’s my biggest problem in the end.
I never know when to just give up on some one.
Made that mistake sooo many times in the guild, its a bit sad to look back at, honestly.
I wouldn’t understand it at all.
But that’s a whole different topic at this point.
All I know, no matter who plays how, if they aren’t having fun, I would encourage them to not play.
Trying to force their ideas of what would be fun on the game is only going to make some one else not have fun in the future.
That’s sort of how this whole thing started here for me.
I just want to play the game and follow its journey, but the last year has been such a roller coaster of changes it feels impossible to do that any more.