Here we go again

If I were an employee or had a stake in the company it would be pretty wise to care at least a little.

Rental systems don’t work. Systems that make it so a considerable amount of your power and strategy come from beyond your class/armor don’t work. The fact that some can’t see the failings of BFA that drove so many away in these covenant issues is disappointing for me.

Especially because everything else in Shadowlands seems great to me. This is my sole issue really aside from the eternal bad idea of Pathfinder.

Um… not really… it was a pretty steady decline.

I’m not upset?
I follow him on twitter, I don’t like watching streams (any stream) but I’m his fan on twitter, so I’m fine with him talking and yes, I know he’s more important than the average Joe. I’m just saying what he says here is the same that’s been said, we’ll have to see if that changes something for the devs.

I mean yeah it did work fine, but as much as the game has changed since then, we have to wonder what numbers is Blizzard seeing in the content nowadays.

But they don’t matter and they stated that a while ago.

WoW was then and still remains the top mmorpg. Sub didn’t and aren’t changing that.

They make more of MTX now then they ever did in subs

Oh man I was on my Spriest most of MoP. It took me forever to “git gud” at the stance dances because I was young and dumb during vanilla and the first half of BC. After rebinding my whole keyboard and like a month straight on practicing it was great. It just feels fluid to have to literally be a technician while mid combat xD

Ignored would be my wording but sure.

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I mean is not inherently a thing about rental powers. Let’s say covenants weren’t a thing, these abilities were given to your class directly but you can only use one anyway. Then the problem would be the same wouldn’t it?

Man, I hated mop shadow lol, that orb mechanic…

It is what it is then.

People want them as talents or whatever instead so they can swap on the fly, removing all impact from them and just making the whole system another “do whatever works for this content” thing.

Funny thing is… they’d gain more by just improving their class play, their positioning, than just with one ability. No one on these forums is method level and even method doesn’t play 100% perfectly.

Yea for sure. I mean with BFA specifically I can think of stuff right off the top of my head I would not have done:

Islands - If this wasn’t the best source of AP for your heart I would never do these.
Warfronts - If these didn’t offer a gear reward for the Heroic version I would never do these either.
Pathfinder - If this wasn’t required for flying I would not have done it.
Reputation (ties in to PF) - Again, I would never have got my reps to revered if it weren’t for gated flying.

This is just from ONE expansion. I am pretty sure no one enjoyed running maw of souls 400 times in Legion either.

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That would be amazing.

It hit hard as hell when you got a full stack of DP on someone. Super rot cleave with afflic lock during that time was almost as bananas as shadowcleave in wrath.

Back to the main point though, yea they are base lining a bunch of our abilities which I think is cool, but whats the point if their is no actual mechanics to it.

Yea I can use a prot ability and a fury ability as arms, but their is no playstyle to it. Give me something to work at learning, make my brain do stuff not just dumb it down over time. Also yes I know brain stuff could also mean crunching numbers like raidbots, but as an engineer on my free time I don’t wanna do number stuff xD

Which is fine, not every piece of content is designed for everyone. Really the only thing that is is leveling because everyone has to do it.

Around 70% of the playerbase never touches a raid above LFR.

That is a completely different thing, that was a mistake made and later rectified to a degree.

Lol sure sure. Nothing to do with the fact he said “no flying in WoD” then quickly backpedaled when 40% of the people vanished.


The issue here is an interesting choice that could be made based on aesthetics, storyline, and cosmetic rewards to fit a character is being influenced by powerful abilities tied to that choice. The fact that wow revolves around repeatable content such as mythic+, raids, and pvp means that this now influences which one you choose or just accept being permanently handicapped for the expansion.

If it wasn’t part of a rental system, such as talents or something else similar, you could swap between them and the system would feel inherently less restrictive. I’m not saying covenants shouldn’t exist or anything- they’re very interesting. They just shouldn’t be tied to player power and force a choice between what covenant you’d really love to explore and what covenant is numerically better. A permanent class edition with flexibility is better.

Money talks, and when money walks, changes are made.

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Yup, which is meaningless in the end. At that point it just becomes a trap system that players have to keep constant track of. Just giving new set abilities is better since there’s no choice anyway.

I man the running things 400 times in the whole point of M+ haha.

But yeah most things introduced in BFA were meh.
The best expacs introduced things that kept people engaged for a long time though. BC heroics, WOTLK achievements/H raiding, Legion world quests and M+.
Figure Blizz really wants to find that one thing once again.
Weird thing is MoP had a lot of new gimmicks as well, and is considered a great expac but its gimmicks were forgotten/removed like scenarios.