Here we go again.... Thanks Trading Post.. NOT

Yet another unfair mechanic via Trading post to provide alliance access to another Zandalari Pterodactyl. You would think they would include a Bee mount in the trading post to compensate for the Horde not being able to use one. I have obtained my Honeyback harvester thank you very much but that’s about all the alliance i want to play. I would like to have a Bee mount for my horde characters. Please for the love of Azeroth put the Honeyback Hivemother (Harvester recolor) either in the trading post or as the mount reward for Timewalking BFA. Please just give the Horde a Bee. (Not a wasp or any other flying garbage… a freaking Bee.)

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Trading means exchanging something for another thing. If the ones who have something go there to get what they have, it is not trading, it is just … getting.

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Is gatekeeping the Zandalari Pterodactyl that important to you?



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Nope… i just want the same amount of access to the Bee mount… aliiance already get Kua’Fon Let the horde use the bee or create a new bee the horde can use. nothing about restricting the pterodactyl.

What are you talking about. the trading post will have a new Pterodactyl mount in the upcoming months that alliance can get… yet no alliance faction mounts are available to us via trading post. and if i see a horse i will lose my stuff.


Said the Elf in the Horde. Think you have enough.

Mana is hell of a drug.

if the Horde gets a bee, I think it would also be fair that for a patch or two, a vast majority of “new” mounts are just horses.

I would have said direwolves for parity but direwolves are way friggin cooler than horses.

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You can have all the wolves you want. they don’t run correctly with that flopping tail.