Here it comes...Maintenance

The typical post Patch maintenance.

Today, Wednesday, the day after the patch.

Maintenance from 7am to 8am PST.

Looks like daily quests are going to be delayed for an hour.


My earth mother. Go touch some grass. It’s okay to have maintenance


Oh no. What will we ever do?

But nah, 1 hour maintenance usually lasts 15-30 mins going by Blizz’s track record. Say what you will about the quality of the expansion content, but the servers always seem to come up way before the estimated time.


This is hardly unusual. Which would you prefer - no maintenance and problems are left unfixed?


This is why more people need to do what I do. I lie to myself on every major patch day and tell myself the patch does not go live until Wednesday night/Thursday morning and it takes two days to implement. Ever since I started telling myself this little lie, my game experience has been much more enjoyable.

I plan on starting this patch around 1 a.m. tonight


The horror.

Oh the night, here it comes again
It’s on with the jeans, the jacket and a shirt
How’d I end up feeling so bad
For such a little girl

Ryan sings it best.

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Haven’t been able to play my toon the last 30 mins, I can walk and use gchat but can’t mount or use any abilities and I see 0 mobs :man_facepalming:t2:


Daily quest in the morning when most people are working?! THE HORROR! I’m sure if people get mad enough they’ll give you a free hour or .10 cent for your time loss.

It’s almost as if you want a forum ban.

I hope you find something that cheers you up, friend. It’s not healthy to be so angry at everything all the time.

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Should be a quick maintenance. COPIUM

For your own health, go outside or open a window or something.

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I called it last night, quests have been glitched and world servers was crashing last night people was getting mad i told them this is what happens on patch day. I’m used to this stuff… Oh i should say patch week because there will prolly be Maintenance again tomorrow.